A Bloody Mess
I do not know for sure that, according to man’s law, abortion is legal in all 50 states (as the picture indicates). What is certain is that if a woman has access to the internet she can order the pills to end the life of her baby in the womb wherever she lives. What is more certain is that abortion is never “legal” according to God’s law.
Every person who has ever been born will face the Lord at judgment. On that day the Lord God Almighty is going to judge our everlasting place of eternal residence on whether we were faithful to Him, trusting in His law as our guide for life.
Most Christians will openly say they want to live according to God’s Word (Psalm 119:9, 41, 116). They are taught and accept that they have been predestined to be conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8:29). They can stay strong and committed until the topic of abortion is raised in conversation.
Interestingly, this morning there was a meme on Facebook suggesting that abortion should be outlawed and mothers who choose to end the lives of their babies in the womb be charged with murder. When I went to find it for this post, it had been removed (or at least removed from my feed, unlike the many that I have now seen for several days in a row).
At a retreat where I taught this past summer, in a small group discussion the women were asked to answer this question:
There is great controversy in our day about abortion. Biblically, we should show love for both the mother and the baby. If a friend were to come to you asking if you would be her driver to take her for an abortion, how would you respond? Consider the following verses before answering.
- Exodus 21:22-23, “If men fight, and hurt a woman with child, so that she gives birth prematurely, yet no harm follows, he shall surely be punished accordingly as the woman’s husband imposes on him; and he shall pay as the judges But if any harm follows, then you shall give life for life (emphasis mine).
- Proverbs 24:11-12, Deliver those who are drawn toward death, And hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Surely we did not know this,” Does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?
- Numbers 35:33, So you shall not pollute the land where you are; for blood defiles the land, and no atonement can be made for the land, for the blood that is shed on it, except by the blood of him who shed it.
In one discussion group a woman argued that Exodus 21:22-23 do not have any relationship to abortion. She could not see how God values a human in the womb based on this verse. She is a worship leader and teacher in her local assembly.
Other women stood up for the pre-born and argued for the Lord’s clear position on abortion. It makes me wonder though, about all those who sat silent during those conversations. Where do Christians actually stand on abortion? There are plenty asking why this is a topic so many of us are passionate about. They point to the fact that abortion is legal. Not. According. To. GOD!
Christians, we must decide whose law we will obey. Will it be God’s or man’s? Are we willing to make our own attempts to stop the shedding of innocent blood? Will we talk to our brothers and sisters in the Lord about it, pointing them to how clear the scriptures are about this?
My friends who are ministering regularly at the abortion mills say that more than 50% of the women who show up to have their babies ripped apart in their wombs (that is hard to type) claim Christianity. Many also “claim” the forgiveness of God for their sin. They know it is murder. (To be clear, God will forgive a mother for the sin of murdering her child in the womb, but she must confess it as sin and repent of her actions.)
Are we more concerned with loving and serving our God or “a woman’s choice” to murder her own baby? Surly, the Church of Jesus Christ has contributed by our silence to the bloody mess abortion has caused in polluting our land.
This is a topic dear to my heart. I wasn’t raised in a Christian home (my mother was vehemently anti-Christianity). Didn’t have my salvation experience until I was 29 years old. So when I entered the Church world, I was puzzled by the debate over “abortion.” I thought it was an open-and-shut-case. Didn’t realize women would want to claw my eyes out over it. I see abortion as the modern-day blood-sacrifice ritual… that the Bible references as “passing child through the fire.” (as mentioned in Ezekiel 20:31, Jeremiah 32:35).
I’ve found the topic of abortion to be a generational issue. And when addressed, the most anger comes from the Boomer generation. I’m not demonizing an entire generation; but in general, the Boomer generation aborted tens of millions of Gen Xers like me. I myself, almost was aborted; but my mother revealed her pregnancy too late for a legal abortion to be performed.
The legalization of abortion most affected my generation, Gen X, tens of millions of us were aborted by our Boomer Elders. And I’ve found the most resistance from Boomers on this topic. In many respects it’s a generational sin, that Gen Xers have also partaken in (aborting another tens of millions of children as well).
God’s Word promises that a repentant heart will receive forgiveness and salvation. But most women make excuses for abortions; when most have it simply because the baby is “not” convenient to their sexually promiscuous lifestyles.
This is an interesting observation. Like you, I was saved by the grace of God, a little later than some (my late thrities). I did not see abortion as a big deal either, after all, it was “legal.” The Lord has shown me how wrong I was. In the post I am concerned by the number of Christians who still do not see it as murder. May eyes be opened and hearts changed to see abortion as our Lord sees it. Thanks for your response. You might want to check out The Imago Dei ministry. https://www.facebook.com/theimagodei.org or https://theimagodei.org/
A bloody mess indeed! And yes, the scriptures do point out that innocent blood pollutes the land. It is definitely time to understand that it’s the blood of the innocent that defiles the land, not carbon dioxide.
Beth, I’m glad you pointed this out. But you shouldn’t have had to.
Great observation on the carbon dioxide! We are truly being taught to keep our minds off anything that suggests that God still reigns…but He does!
Beth – Not only this, I am always amazed to hear how many “Christians” support the politicians. who support abortion and same sex marriages. Have they not read their Bibles. God will judge and hold us accountable for this.
I agree. Sadly, it has become a political isse which seems to mean to many Christians that we should not engage in it. I pray for the blind to see and the deaf to
I beleive God is judging us now for this blood that has been spilled in our land.
Thanks for the comment.
Your last paragraph I agree wholeheartedly.
Surely, the Church of Jesus Christ has contributed by our silence to the bloody mess abortion has caused in polluting our land.
At some point, abortion was reclassified as political and so, we have to avoid talking and even praying about the murder of so many babies. And well, it is not loving. I reject this, the gospel needs to be shared. Thankful for a few brave gospel messengers who have went out to the places abortion is happening and has been medicalized as healthcare. Yet, it is the darkest places to evangelize. Both men and women who are involved in making this life decision need the gospel which sheds light on sin and how Jesus is the hope and reconciliation all men need.
I am unable to have children and when examining the high costs adoption vs. the cost to abort, the second option is much lower. This breaks my heart everyday.
Also, I think many do not think about IVF and the numbers of children frozen who are aborted. This too breaks my heart.
Pleading for the Lord’s mercy for our nation to value life but also praying for men and women to heal from abortion and to know their is forgiveness and hope in Christ.
Thank you Beth for your writing and will pray it will impact many minds & hearts!
One quick story: I had a miscarriage over 5 years ago. I had to rush to the ER. Finally, had a positive pregnancy test (only one) the hospital staff kept saying “congratulations you are having a child.” One hour later the doctors informed me I was having a miscarriage. The staff then changed their words immediately and said “it is not a child it is just a clump of cells.” I called them out on that and asked them why they changed their words from baby to cells. Sadly, one nurse told me “we are trained to do so.” I will never forget that day.
Wow! That is so sad to hear that hospital staff are trained to deceive. It is an issue that garners so much opposition. I fear that our whole nation is in error because nationally, we do not know the scriptures or the power of God.
Thanks for the encouragement. May Christ be praised and the Church stand up for what is right according to His Word.