About Beth

I am a follower of Jesus Christ, a Mom (to two adults), and a Mom-Mom to seven precious “grands,” called by God to teach His Word.

This site contains my personal blog and my contact information for the speaking ministry to which God has called me.  I write posts with the goal of encouraging Christian women to live intentionally for the glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom.

Included on the website is a weekly blog. I invite you to sign up on the at the bottom of this page to receive each post in your email inbox. I also invite you to follow me on Facebook.

My Story

I was born and raised in Middletown, Delaware, the 5th of 6 children and half of a pair. Gratuating from the University of Delaware with a degree in Social Work, I have worked professionally as a Probation/Parole officer in Wilmington, DE and as a discharge Planner for Reading Hospital and Medical Center in Reading, PA.

I married my husband, John, in 1980 and have been happily married since then. (Full Disclosure: I did not meet my husband on probation or parole.)

When we decided to home school our two children through their junior high years I put my professional career on hold for what I thought would be several years. The Lord used this time at home and away from the working world to do a work in my heart. After being convicted of my sin and convinced that Jesus Christ was the way of salvation, I placed my faith in Him in my late thirties.

Shortly afterward I was invited to attend a Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) class in my local area. The in-depth study of God’s Word was amazing! I was called into a leadership role after one year of study and into the role of Teaching Leader the third year. Eight years of teaching led me to an even greater desire to know and teach the whole counsel of God.

Then, in a Sunday School class on Jeremiah I was struck by Jeremiah 1:7b, “for to all to whom I send you, you shall go, and whatever I command you, you shall speak.” It seemed that the Words were chosen just for me! I left BSF and have been speaking and teaching for various churches and events as He has called since September 2008.

Today, my husband and I live intergenerationally with our daughter, son-in-law, and our seven grandchildren in West Reading, Pa. 

I love serving Jesus Christ as one who “feeds His sheep”. It is my desire to teach God’s Word diligently, with reverence and awe for the Source of the truths I teach, and with an engaging, and sometimes witty, delivery so that the hearers will not just listen but do what it says.

Future of Christendom Website

I am honored to have my blog included on the Future of Christendom’s website. You can check them out for more great biblical content at Future of Christendom.