An Opinion on Opinions


A fool takes not pleasure in understanding, but only in expressing his opinion. Proverbs 18:2


Sometimes people proclaim God’s principles even when they do not know or use His Word. We recently saw this sign in a front yard:

The world is changed by your example not your opinion.

This family must use social media! :>)

From the everyday Facebook and Twitter interactions, we are reminded of all the things we are not doing.  You do not need a rundown of the list if you have Christian friends speaking their minds (kind of like I am doing here!) on your own feeds.

“Love your neighbor” is a command of God that can be taken to mean many things because it does mean many things. Different people in our spheres of influence have different needs. God has gifted us differently to meet those needs.  Meeting their needs is loving them.

In clearly stated Facebook and Twitter posts I hear people saying that if we are not serving our neighbors as they do, then we are not serving God. Sometimes these are directed at someone in particular and sometimes they are general.

How much more effective would our Christianity be if we lived it out in front of those God has placed in our midst and stop trying to change the world with what we post on social media? One sets an example and the other proclaims our opinions.

In his letter to the Philippians Paul speaks to the “Brothers” of the work he has done for the Lord. He asks them to, “Join in imitating me, and keep your eyes on those who walk according to the example you have in us.”

Earlier (Philippians 3:12-16) Paul said he knows he has not gotten where he is on his own but speaks of being mature in the faith. He suggests that if these brothers think differently, then God will reveal to them how to think.

“Join in imitating me.” It sounds kind of arrogant. But Paul is saying that he has worked hard to grow his faith and he knows that the Lord has revealed these things to him. He wants them to imitate, not just the work, but the way to be mature in the faith.

Are we mature in the faith, willing to imitate Paul by listening to the Word of the Lord and doing what it says? Are we, like so many, more interested in being seen and heard on social media – or in serving the Lord in the place He has established us?

Even in Christianity, we are going to do more witnessing by our examples than we will by our opinions. May 2019 be a year of more obedient actions than opinionated words.




  1. Jamie Boettcher on January 1, 2019 at 5:44 pm

    Hi Beth,
    I get what you are saying…and yet, I struggle with the idea of sharing “opinions” verses sharing the Gospel. Social Media can be a powerful tool for evangelism, and as such, we need to be so careful how we are using it. Just as Christ came to save the world, not condemn it, so too must we as his followers.

    • admin on January 1, 2019 at 8:48 pm

      Agreed. The Gospel is not an opinion, it is Truth. So, yes, we should share it as much as we can! You reiterate my point when you say we must be careful about how we use social media.
      Christ did not come to condemn but He was pretty quick to correct religious people who led others astray. I am concerned about using social media for that purpose as people express opinions about the work of others that should be done face to face (or not at all).

  2. Donna Nabors on January 1, 2019 at 8:06 pm

    May we all commit to your closing statement of more obedient actions than opinionated words. Yes, we proclaim God’s Word, but we must also, obey and live it as an example to the world we live in.
    Thank you for sharing.

    • admin on January 1, 2019 at 8:48 pm

      Amen, Donna. Thanks for commenting.

  3. AFI PITTMAN on January 1, 2019 at 11:17 pm

    This is good food for thought. what we do is far more important than what we say and the opinions we communicate.

    • admin on January 2, 2019 at 9:52 am

      Thanks Afi, I appreciate the comment.

  4. Edna Davidsen on January 2, 2019 at 7:59 am

    Dear Beth!

    I like many things about this blog post. I like the tone, I like the straightforwardness, and I like the topic 🙂

    Why? Because it gives us readers the possibility to agree or disagree. Why does it do that? Because it’s specific.

    You wrote: “How much more effective would our Christianity be if we lived it out in front of those God has placed in our midst and stop trying to change the world with what we post on social media?”

    I disagree with love 🙂 We, the contemporary Christians, have a never before seen opportunity to share the gospel via the Internet, both Social Media, websites etc. The reality is that our chances are thousand times bigger for influence online than it is offline today, no matter who we are.

    I do also agree with love 🙂 BTW I don’t see it as a problem to put forth a contradiction. That way I can say twice as much.

    Many Christians would be better of trying to make an influence for Jesus offline because in order to share the gospel in today’s online environment we need to be VERY VERY specific in what we do. In a way, we all need to be leaders, but that’s a problem because most act as followers, not as leaders.

    You asked: “Are we matured in faith?”

    My answer to that is that I don’t understand the question 🙂

    I have heard it many times before. But my approach to it is always the same. I ask people to tell me a bit about what kind of God they believe in? The result is most of the time that I conclude that that is not a God I believe in 🙂

    For me, faith is something entirely given to me by God. If I do good, or bad does not influence in any way on how God sees me. That’s the God I believe in.

    Now, I know I could have given a more politically correct comment today, but I won’t because my New Year resolution 2019 is to stop doing that 🙂

    Once again, thanks for sharing. This was a blog post, which made me think, therefore it was a valuable blog post for me.

    Edna Davidsen

    • admin on January 2, 2019 at 10:04 am

      Hi Edna, I am not very politically correct myself. Disagreement does not bother me – in fact it makes me think. I agree that we have never had a greater opportunity to influence others via the internet. It is just this fact that has me concerned. Christians are posting their own opinions about things in the world without considering what God says. Or, they do consider God and His Word and they post accordingly but in their personal lives they are not living out their Christianity. (Which is why I thought that the sign, “The world is changed by your example not your opinion,” was correct.)
      The process of maturing in the faith is God’s process of sanctification. He is clear that He blesses obedience and expects us to hunger for His Word and grow spiritually. We can “say” a lot on social media but if we are not living for God according to His Word, even though people would not necessarily know that, God does and it is He who uses whatever we post. He can bless it or not according to His will.
      I hope this clarifies my point that our opinions are not nearly as important as what is in our heart that is exhibited by the way we live.
      Blessings, Beth

  5. Jessica Goyette on January 2, 2019 at 11:30 am

    I think the idea is to stop nitpicking everyone. I know that Jesus in the Gospels tell us multiple times to not look at the mite in your brother’s eye when you have a beam in your own. We were reading last night in 2nd Peter where it says make your calling and election sure. I think that if we were more concerned about our own Souls that we are glorifying God ourselves we wouldn’t be as harsh on others if they are not exactly doing what we are doing

    • admin on January 2, 2019 at 11:08 pm

      Amen, Nitpicking is a good term for some of it. I pray that my own nitpicking beam would be obvious to me! Thanks for pointing us back to the Gospel.

  6. Elaine Goddard on January 2, 2019 at 12:01 pm

    “Do what I do” posted in social media and written in by Paul in Scripture: “if we are not serving our neighbors as they do, then we are not serving God.” and “Join in imitating me.”

    For me, I am working to follow Paul’s instruction to “put these things into practice” and pray that the Holy Spirit will continue the work of transformation of my inner being that my life example will tomorrow be closer to the image of Christ than it was yesterday. However, because I often fail and fall short, I am not ready to proclaim to anyone – do what I do.

    • admin on January 2, 2019 at 11:06 pm

      What a great and humble attitude, Elaine! Neither am I ready to proclaim that others should do what I do. I pray I will be gracious to those who do!
      Thanks for the comment.

  7. Jessica Brodie on January 2, 2019 at 9:22 pm

    Great post. As a mom, my kids learn more from what I model than any words that come from my lips. I think the same is true in how we share the Gospel on social media and elsewhere.

    • admin on January 2, 2019 at 11:03 pm

      Thanks Jessica, I have a friend who says that with kids, “more is caught than taught.” I agree with our presence on social media being just as influential.
      Thanks for commenting.

  8. Melissa McLaughlin on January 3, 2019 at 12:33 pm

    I am so grateful for the ways you base your writing in scripture. There is a big difference between offering an opinion and sharing God’s Word. I agree that many matters should be discussed face to face and are not best taken up on social media. This line: “Are we mature in the faith, willing to imitate Paul by listening to the Word of the Lord and doing what it says?”
    I pray to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ by living out our convictions.

    • admin on January 4, 2019 at 8:40 am

      Melissa, Good prayer. Thanks for reading and responding.

  9. Jessie on January 4, 2019 at 5:17 am

    Hi Beth, I think you give a reminder about Christians using social media. I would love to hear more of your thoughts on this in the future, specifically how you think Christians should use social media to evangelize.

    • admin on January 4, 2019 at 8:39 am

      Jessie, I do enjoy social media but I have to admit that I think it is only a first step in Evangelsim. From our social media platforms people can see and read what we believe. As the Lord works in their hearts things get more personal and He directs their steps. I have heard of Christians who have come to know the Lord through personal contact because of something they saw on social media (I am thinking of a woman who declared she was considering an abortion on Facebook. A Christian contacted her, offered to help, and shared the gospel. After several weeks of interaction she came to saving faith.). A lot of time needs to be invested. I have more thoughts on this but know you weren’t looking for a new post in my response! thanks for making me think!