Christians, like every person, can be hypocrites.
We say we love God but we remain silent when His Word is blasphemed.
We say we obey His commands while we refuse to tell the wicked that their deeds are, indeed, wicked.
We speak the truth of His Word in our Sunday Schools and Bible studies and then go into the world silently but then mock the world’s educational facilities for providing “safe places” and “gender affirmation.”
In a huge venue with several thousand people, a Christian man spoke the truth as he testified that the problems we have in our nation right now are a portion of the judgment of God on us as a nation. It is hard to argue with and he was applauded and soundly agreed with while he was on stage.
It is encouraging that more and more of the nation’s “celebrities,” not necessarily Hollywood but popular podcasters and “journalists” (a.k.a., “influencers”) are speaking more of faith and God and the importance of seeing our problems as demonic or evil. Judgment seems to be spoken of as something to fear, which hasn’t happened in a really long time.
So, this is obvious in public but the church is still caught in a “fear of man” that keeps us cheering on the celebrities but remaining silent in our communities. There was a church in Reading that stopped having an AWANA program for the whole neighborhood because it got hard. The children were not from families that had raised them to obey authorities and they were difficult – but not harmful.
A friend visited there on a Sunday and immediately came away saying that any church that gives up in the children has lost its moorings. “Jesus said, “Let the children come to Me.” (Matthew 19:14).
Since that time (a few years ago), it has become more obvious that this is not just a problem in the church. As a nation we have thrown our children to the wolves. We can kill babies in the womb. If a state outlaws it as murder, we can just order the pills to get it done!
We’ve stood by as young children have been sold for sex or, recently revealed (to me), to be killed for the “fun” of it (this was revealed in an interview about “Diddy” Combs and other criminals).
And, we’ve allowed the public schools to teach and train our kids to love evil and hate good, to accept lies as truth. 1Corinthians 15:33 says, “Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” Surely, most of the teachers in our public schools are not deliberately evil, though we have heard the stories of many who are. However, the state curriculum that they must use is grounded in humanistic teaching that allows for evil to thrive in its midst.
Christians, certainly, and most Americans would agree that raising, teaching, and preparing the next generations to work, love, and serve others is a top priority. If we believe that, we must work hard to see first of all that they live. Abortion is murder. Then, we (not the government) must educate them in a way that puts truth above “feelings,” and justice above tolerance.
We need to practice in public that which we preach in the safety of our church walls, We need to be reformed from our hypocrisy.
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all. For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14