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“Be Nice” Wins

For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith. 1 John 5:4

Obviously, I have not read a transcript of the Supreme Court hearing for the Colorado baker who refused to provide a cake for a homosexual couple’s wedding. He apparently had served them many times as customers for other events.
This time he said the wedding went against his religious beliefs. He believes that marriage should be as God designed it. One man, one woman, who are to become one and multiply.  
Lower courts ruled against the baker. He appealed for the sake of future religious freedom in America.
According to Mr. Staver of Liberty Counsel, this baker won the case, but not for any future complaint. At. All.
This case was won because of documented anti-Christian statements that were derogatory about the baker (and his faith) by those on the commission filing the complaint. Not nice.
So, there is a lesson for Christ and Christian hating people in the future. They must be nice. Or, at least all those comments have to be off the record.
Winning on a technicality is still a win and I am happy for this Colorado baker. But, we still have the problem of a nation that insists that we are not to live according to our faith in God’s Word and according to His Law.
We can’t count this as a victory of any kind for the long run. We must persevere and not grow weary in our efforts to change the hearts and minds of unbelievers to see the truth of God’s Word. Preferably, this would be by regeneration as we witness to our neighbors.
Sin is bondage for all people. It comes in many forms. This case is about homosexual “marriage” but that is the tip of the iceberg that our nation wants us to give up. (Murdering babies in the womb, death penalty for capital offenses, just war, unbiblical taxation, etc.)
As children of God, Galatians 5:1 says that we are set free by Christ. That is why we are to stand firm and not submit again to a yoke of slavery.  If we accept the agenda that those outside the faith set for us, we will be in slavery.
This is another encouragement to keep sharing the faith we have in Christ. We must keep telling the truth to whomever the Lord puts in front of us. This is right and good and ultimately, it is the nicest thing we can do for anyone.