Bible Study Expo

So many books, so little time!  The internet is a good news bad / news situation for me.  I order a lot of the books I use to study the Bible, for myself and in mentoring, from on-line booksellers. By the time I have purchased the first three books the seller has me “profiled.”  Now, from several sources, I receive updates on every book – old and new – that they sell.  There is no discrimination about the theology or the target audience.  Sell, sell, sell.

I recently joined a “Christian Women Speakers” website. (If you want to see it, here’s the link  I have taken several of their training modules to help clarify the vision and purpose of my own ministry. Now, they are offering another “tool” that I think many may want to participate in! It is a “Bible Study Expo.”  

Last fall I was talking to a friend who had spent a lot of time shopping for the right Bible Study to offer in her church. She was “at the end of herself” and looking for something that she could pick and use with the group. She had traveled and looked online.  But, who knew what to look for?  This Expo may be a great help to women in that set of circumstances.  

The Bible Study Expo is going to interview several different authors with recent books for women to study. You can go here and look for yourself: (which is also where you can register). There are titles like, “God Loves Broken People” by Shelia Walsh, “Weatherproof Your Home Against the Storms of Life” by Donna Best, “My Own Worst Enemy” by Janet David, and A Confident Heart” by Renee Swope (which I just read and would recommend). Babie Mason will be interviewed about her new book, “Embraced by God”.  These books sound like they have lots of promise. We can go listen to the interviews with the authors and find out if that promise fits the need of our Bible Study group.  

Here’s the great part – you can receive leader training, hear the interviews, learn about the books and the authors – including the target audience – from the comfort of your own home AND, it’s free. It’s an online expo!  

This is from one of their press releases about it: “During the four-hour, online expo, attendees will enjoy free Bible Study leadership training, hear interviews with authors from 13 publishers, and have the opportunity to connect with other Bible study leaders for ideas. Publishers involved include Abingdon, Barbour, Bethany House, Fruitbearer, Harvest House, Kregel, Moody, Multnomah, New Hope, Revell, Thomas Nelson and WinePress.” 

The date is May 17th from 2 – 6 PM (Eastern).  Registration has already started. I figure we have nothing to lose. It is time we will spend shopping and researching anyway. All of the books look like they are worth checking out, and we don’t even have to buy gas to get there! We may find the book we have been looking for or at least eliminate the ones that “just don’t fit”.  It looks like a win-win situation to me. This is a time when the internet is convenient and helpful.   

Here’s the link again to register



  1. Marnie on May 11, 2012 at 5:40 pm

    Thanks, Beth, for the awesome article about the Expo. This is going to be SO much fun! And, thanks, too, for your personal commitment to excellence in Bible teaching. God bless you, my dear! Marnie

    • admin on May 12, 2012 at 8:33 am

      Thanks to YOU Marnie, I’m glad you like the article. I look at your website and all that you do and wonder if you ever sleep! Thanks for your labor for the Lord. May He always give you peace and rest. Beth