Birthday Celebration

Birthday Celebration

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).   Matthew 1:23

Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, and Jesus Christ.  We “observe” all of their birthdays.  (Whether or not we should will not be the emphasis of this article!).  Unfortunately, I wonder how many Americans put them all in the same category.  They were men who left a lasting impression in the world.  They were examples.  Is any one of them unique – or should we consider any one greater than the others?

I started to think about this the other day when my granddaughter, Stella, age 4,  with Christmas decorations all around her, came over to offer me a piece of “Birthday” cake as I was reading the morning paper.  The “cake” was a little orange block but she was in full pretend mode.  Never wanting to miss a teaching moment I said, “Do you know we’ll be celebrating a real birthday later this week?”  She responded, “Yes, the baby Jesus.”  Mom-mom was pleased that she knew.

I wondered if she really puts it all together.  We do celebrate the birthday of a baby but He is no longer a baby.  Historical figures come and go, our “celebrations” are usually no more serious than our gratitude for a day off because they were born and served the country.

But, is that all it is with Jesus?  I think that for the majority of those “celebrating” the answer is “yes.”  Sometimes because they don’t have any other real information about Him.  They know: 1. He was born in a manger and 2. they get the day off.

But, we don’t just celebrate Christmas because Jesus was born into the world to do His work and then leave – as Lincoln and Washington did.  I want Stella and everyone else in the world, to understand that the reason we celebrate the birth of Christ is because He lives.  Oh, His physical body died a terrible death on a cross.  The “Good News” is that He is more than a man.  He is God.  The second person of the Trinity, Jesus, lives on, interceding for His people to God the Father.

I am more than happy to celebrate the birth of Christ – but it is His resurrection that makes Him so unique.  He is alive, He continues to serve this country, and every other country, in and through people He is calling to Himself.  No one can come along and improve His programs.  There is not a person who will “finish” what He started.  He told us on the cross, “It is finished.”  He is truly the ultimate hero who will save His people from their sins (Matthew 1:21).  He is the only person who ever lived who said to God the Father in all truth, “I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work that you gave me to do. “ John 17:4

When Jesus grew up, living as a man, He knew that He was rejected by people because the Jews really wanted a political King to save them from the Romans.  That was not His mission.  He would be a spiritual King – not a political King.  In many ways the same mistake is being made by Americans today.  We want someone who will make our lives more comfortable and easy, to take the burdens of this life and make them go away.  We treat Him as if He were another political figure.

He is God.

I pray that as Stella and her brother grow up this notion that Jesus is unique will become clear, He is God.  He is unique, not like any man who ever lived.  He is worthy of glory, and honor, and praise – not just a day off.

With God’s help political leaders may save us from political enemies but by His grace He will save anyone who calls on Him from our greatest spiritual enemy – our own sin.  That is worth celebrating!!

I pray that your Christmas will be a personal celebration of the One who has saved you from sin and given you eternal life with God the Father.


  1. Sue Gallion on December 29, 2011 at 4:17 pm

    What an absolutely wonderful message!

    • admin on January 2, 2012 at 9:03 pm

      Thanks Sue, I’m glad you enjoyed it!!