
Books by Beth

Intentional Influence

We’re all older than someone, or perhaps just more mature in the faith. The Scriptures call us to “teach and train the younger women” (Titus 2:3-5).

There are many younger women among us who want to grow in their faith, need their hands held up through a battle, or who sincerely want to raise their children in the fear and instruction of the Lord, but are convinced they are not getting it right. It is one thing to “connect” on social media but an entirely different (and more biblical) thing to give face-to-face time, energy, prayer, and encouragement to a younger woman.

For most of us, the role of mentor was not modeled. We don’t know where to start, nor have we thought about what our own limitations or abilities may be to offer to someone else.

This book is a starting place. It offers you practical instruction for what is Biblically required of the mentor so that your “Intentional Influence” is based on the Scriptures. It includes what the Bible says we are to “teach and train” the younger women, and, in the final section, practical guides for the content of that teaching.

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Sow to the Spirit

Studying Paul’s letter to the Galatians is one step toward understanding his call to “Sow to the Spirit.” This study guide will take you through all six chapters of Galatians in six lessons. Each one explores the detailed doctrine of salvation through Christ, the emptiness of man’s traditions, and the grace of God in all aspects of our lives. Each lesson contains one “Outside the Box” question that takes you outside the book of Galatians in order to see the Gospel of Christ as it is presented throughout the scripture. For the one who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption, but the one who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. Galatians 6:8

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Future of Christendom Website

I am honored to have my blog included on the Future of Christendom’s website. You can check them out for more great biblical content at Future of Christendom.