Call to be Bold
Since we have such a hope, we are very bold. 2 Corinthians 3:12
Someone recently said that they would like to be bold like I am bold and to be able to pray like someone else. In my pride I let it go. To me, this is a compliment.
Now I fear it allowed a misconception to linger in her mind.
I am bold when a room full of Christian women come to hear the Word of God taught. I can be bold when I am teaching my grandchildren, whose hearts I want right with God. I am bold if someone asks me a question and I am certain about the answer.
But, I am not all that bold with those who are lost and do not know what they do not know – especially if “I think” that they will be hostile to the truth of scripture.
God has given Christians different personalities. He has given us different gifts. All are necessary parts of the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 12:22-26). Some are obviously to be doing the more noticeable work while others will prepare the way for them.
God is clear that He did not give us a spirit of timidity (2 Timothy 1:7). Whether Christians are out in front of a crowd like Paul (Acts 28:31), teaching quietly behind the scenes one on one like Priscilla and Aquila with Apollos (Acts 18:26), or serving the widows as chosen deacons so the preachers could pray and preach (Acts 6:3-4), they are to do what God calls them to do with confidence in God, not themselves.
Paul, in 2 Corinthians 3:12-16, says that it is in the hope that he had in the ministry of the Spirit and the lifting of the veil that happened when he turned to Christ, that he could be bold.
Christian sisters, we live in this same hope! The veil of the mystery of Christ has been lifted! We live in the knowledge of the Lord, informed by the work of the Spirit of God in us. We, too, can and should be bold for the Lord in whatever sphere of influence God has placed us.
Paul had an experience with Christ on the road to Damascus in Acts 9 that made him quite confident of His faith. He grew in knowledge and understanding and sought the teaching of men who were wiser than he. Then, he started preaching. Do you and I have this experience with Jesus? Are we growing in faith and understanding so we have something to share with others?
Paul was sure that his work for the Lord was to go to the Gentiles and preach the Kingdom of God, to tell people that it was here and they were to turn from their sin. He proclaimed the work of Christ as King (Acts 17:7).
Do we know what our gifts are? God says that He has prepared works for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). Are we doing them? In our homes? In our workplaces? In our churches? In our communities? (This does not mean that every person will have a work to do in every sphere in every season of life.)
It is not for us to wish to be like others. It is our job to ask God what He has for each one of us to do, using the personality, the gifts, and the season we are in, to proclaim that His Kingdom has come and there is work to be done.
Amen. God has given us different gifts and there are times when our gifts change so that we may glorify Him. Recently, I was part of a small group able to lay hands on someone waiting for surgery. A powerful gift to be able to share God’s love with this person.
Good words, Beth. I can speak in front of people and not get toooo nervous. But, when it comes to being bold and sharing the gospel, and like you said, not knowing what the response will be? Too often, I allow fear to silence me. I like your reminder that we each have a distinct personality and God’s given us these so we can share him with those in our world.
Thanks Jeanne, I pray we will be obedient to spread the Good News wherever he asks us to!
I am glad that you are seen as bold by those you interact with! Heaven knows we need more people to be bold for Christ. We could all step it up a little, I think, and share our faith with others more often. That is the ONE thing we cannot do in heaven. Now is the time to be BOLD with our faith and share the hope we have to a world that is anxious for some sense of it all.
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Lisa! I can definitely step it up a notch! Indeed, now is the time!
Thanks for the encouraging comment.
So true that God has a specific calling and gift for each of us making us so unique.
Yes, Ava. Oh, that we might do whatever it is well!
Yess…we have a definite purpose in our life and its our responsibility to identify that purpose and work according to the will of Him.
Amen, Athira! Thanks for commenting!
So thankful that God has created each of us uniquely, and equipped us for different gifts within the body. What relief that I don’t have to live in guilt for gifts I do not possess and what peace to be able to actively use the gifts He designed for me. Thank you for sharing this truth!
Lisa, It is true that God is so good to give us all work He enables us to do. Imagine, if everyone did it!
Beth, I really needed this reminder! Thank you so much for sharing your insight to God’s Word.
Thanks, Sharon, See you soon!
Great post Beth. We all can be bold in some circumstances but not always. I struggle with being bold with those closest to me.
Thanks Yvonne, I agree the closer they are the harder it seems to be. May be that “a prophet has no honor in his own hometown” thing is at work. Thanks for the comment.
Beth, great message and encouragement! I do pray for the Holy Spirit to provide divine appointments and help me see the openings to speak of Jesus but I do also need to be bold. Your scriptures and examples are great faith-builders.
Thanks Melissa, I do appreciate the encouragement and the reminders to pray for those devine appointments!
A-Men Sister great motivational piece. I like the way addressed boldness in different ways and when to use it. Thank You and God Bless!!
Glad you liked It, Stephen, May God be glorified by both of us in boldness!
You’re welcome, Stephen, I pray the Lord will use us both – and give us boldness!
You raise so many valid points which we must all consider. We are all formed, gifted, and called uniquely. Not all of us are evangelists on a par with the apostle Paul or with Billy Graham. Yet, all of us are called to evangelize in specific arenas – our families for instance and our workplaces, where we’re told to be ready with an answer to the spiritual problems that others will face and bring up, maybe even seeking our input. In these arenas, we are to testify to Christ through the fruit of yielded lives, an essential component, and through the spoken Word at the opportune time. When we’re invited in, when we’re asked, are we ready?
I’ve found that when I know someone is seeking an answer, it is easier for me to boldly step into that breach, especially if they’re asking me for the answer. For instance, in prison ministry, the women who signed up for our group were deliberately seeking to know the Gospel and to work through a Christ-based 12-step program that would enable them to walk away from harmful patterns in their lives. In that sphere, I had no problem standing before them preaching the Gospel each week in ways that uniquely addressed their struggles, using openly illustrations from my own life to demonstrate that we’re all very much alike – sinners.
But, to walk up to complete strangers in a mall, for instance, and do the same, I wouldn’t feel equipped or comfortable or called. I’m sure Jesus would have no problem with that venue, though, now would many others.
So the challenge is to be bold where God has called us, to seek his leading in our responses, and to live out loud, demonstrating with our lives that we truly believe what we proclaim. Every interaction with a Christian should be the highlight of the day for those we interact with. We live out loud through our cheerfulness, our kindness, our quickness to apologize, our humility about our own flaws, our lack of gossip, and our work ethic as unto the Lord. Our actions are loud. They preach before we’re ever invited to put words to the matter.
Melinda, I pray we will all accept the challenge wherever God presents it! Thanks for commenting.
I love the diversity of the gifts God gives each of us. Together, we do His work! I love this: “It is not for us to wish to be like others. It is our job to ask God what He has for each one of us to do, using the personality, the gifts, and the season we are in, to proclaim that His Kingdom has come and there is work to be done.”
Thanks, Jessica, May the Lord be praised and His Kingdom enlarged by the work we do for Him!
Amen. I am an introvert and struggle to be bold, but know God can move beyond my personality and give me words to share. There are lost and dying folks out there worth a little discomfort on my part. Thanks for sharing!
Yes Candice, I believe I just read your words quoting, “How will they hear?” Thanks for commenting!
May I use my gifts and become bold using them!
I agree with your prayer, Julie – for you and me!
As I continue in my walk with God, I am becoming bolder and more courageous in sharing my faith and using the gifts he has given me to fish and bring others along on the journey. Thanks for sharing.
Claudio, Sanctification and spiritual growth are great tools that increase our boldness. May God bless your efforts for His Kingdom!
Bold is a gift we should pray for. Even those of us who are not often bold sometimes get the call. We need to know when and how to be bold. Great post! God bless!
Thanks Nancy, It is something to pray for. We do get the call…prayer would prepare us!