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Confusing Foods

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’ ” Matthew 4:4

It started with Atkins when I was in high school though many were talking about Weight Watchers at the time. Then there were many more. The Grapefruit diet, Nutrisystem and just plain old calorie counting. I got interested in Paleo and then the Keto.

So many diets.

After a while it becomes confusing. When counting calories you can eat anything you want if you are willing to sacrifice those calories later in the day. On a different diet, sweet potatoes became a favorite – but they have carbs so they are a no-no with a low carb diet (but they are so good for us!). And, there is no ketosis where carbs abound so keto diets have to be pretty strict.

As I was reading a Facebook post put up by an old friend who claims to be a Christian, I thought she has done with religious teaching what I have done with diets. She has gotten confused.

She is a professing Christian who not only believes that abortion is necessary but that any man who believes it is murder has no “right” to say so because he has no uterus.

I will not tell you the source of her information because I do not want others to be led astray. She is quite open about being a “left-leaning” Christian. She judges the Bible by what the world thinks instead of judging the world by what the Bible reveals.

As Christians, should we not be taking what the world thinks and holding it up to what God says?

Murder (abortion murders an innocent child) is one of the few sins for which God’s Word calls for the death penalty. He obviously wants us to get the message that life is important, even life in the womb. He states specifically that if a baby is intentionally killed in the womb, the penalty is life for life (Exodus 21:22-23).

God also is clear about what an abomination it is to Him when innocent life (born or pre-born) is taken. In Numbers 35:33 God tells us clearly not to shed innocent blood because blood pollutes the land. He further says that the only atonement for this shed blood is from the ones who shed it. We are a nation with a lot of blood for which we must atone.

Do we wonder why our nation is in such a troubled state?

Men or women who will make a public stand to save babies from the slaughter, to protect our land from being polluted, and to protect some women from life-long guilt or strong forces of wickedness pushing them to abort, should be celebrated for their bravery, not castigated for their stance. Especially because the men are accepting their God given roles as protectors.

Why are we not celebrating these men? They are protecting innocent babies. They are bravely standing up in a culture that resists them. Even the women I know who are at the abortion mills are not just accusing and shaming as the social media world portrays them. These two groups offer help, both spiritual and physical.

I, for one, am so grateful for every man and woman who is out on the front lines of this war with the world, appropriately shining the Light of the Gospel for these women and their unborn babies. They are offering un-confused and godly hope while “Left-leaning Christians” offer confusion about God and His love for each One He creates. 

4 Comments on “Confusing Foods

  1. Oh, Beth. This is so heartbreaking and you are so right. We MUST take a stand against this abomination! In these sad days,as the Bible says, right will be wrong and wrong will be right. This is a spiritual battle and many are falling for the lies. May we be bold in speaking out and be in meaningful prayer. 😥

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