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Doctrinal Dare



Claiming to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:22

My Facebook feed recently had a post with a heading that said, “Claiming God’s Blessing” in large letters. Underneath it said, “I dare you to type ‘Amen’ & claim God’s blessing over your life.”

Hmmm….  My first response was not, “Isn’t that nice, someone is sharing their faith.” It was, “Where does it say that in the Bible?” Are there people who believe we can obligate God?

Searching the scriptures with the help of e-sword and I didn’t find anything that came close to claiming the blessings of God. What I did find was Deuteronomy 11:27 that says we receive God’s blessing in return for our obedience.

Verses promise God’s blessing when we keep His precepts (Psalm 119:56), when we tithe (Malachi 3:10), when we have a contrite heart (Isaiah 57:15), and for faith that leads to righteousness apart from works (Romans 4:6).

My concern about this is the same as many others have. On Facebook this looks like an easy road to heaven. All I have to do is get a grip on a couple of promises and claim them to be mine. That road leads straight to hell for the one who believes it.

I read a couple of websites that I googled for the phrase “Claim the blessing” or claim the promises” trying to make sure I had not missed a verse teaching it.  As you dig into the articles they come to a point where they clarify, “claim”. One said this, “The Lord has given His children promises of provision, healing, wisdom, strength, peace, joy, and everything we need to fulfill our God-given purpose and potential on this earth. But these heavenly resources are not automatic; we have to lay hold of them by faith. The Bible says, “Do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.” (Hebrews 6:12 NKJV)”

What of the many who will type “Amen” and move on with a false assurance that they are “good with God?” Even the backslidden believer must repent of sin and obey God’s commands to receive His blessing. He or she will be welcomed back with open arms if his/her heart is contrite.

Blessing comes from placing our faith for the forgiveness of our sin in Jesus Christ and wholeheartedly serving Him as He calls each one of us and praising Him for every good thing. To type “Amen” on a Facebook “dare”  and keep on trolling through mostly “godless chatter” (1 Timothy 6:20-21) is a fruitless pursuit of some kind of holiness that God does not offer.

Mock me for taking things too seriously if you will, but I do believe that Christ’s death was so serious a gift that He is the One we should “Amen”.


2 Comments on “Doctrinal Dare

  1. AMEN, AMEN & AMEN!! Blessings to you Beth, for your obedience to declaring these TRUTH’s!

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