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All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17
In my neck of the woods it’s easy to find a Bible study. There are big ones and small ones. Some are community-based and some associated with individual congregations. We all know that the study of scripture is imperative for the growing Christian to continue to be strengthened and built up to spiritual maturity for service to the Lord. Is it not the study of God’s Word that prepares us to serve Him so our works are good (see verse at top)?
What is the point of studying the Bible to do nothing but meet some friends, grab a cup of coffee, and study it some more?
James was pretty pointed when he said, “But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving ourselves.” (James 1:22).
The deception is that by knowing God’s word we are somehow special to God. If we read it, hear it preached, and read lots of books about it, we are deceiving ourselves if we think that the Lord considers that faith. We may have a lot of knowledge but it is not faith. If there are no works produced by the study, James says that faith is dead.
My point is not to discourage anyone from studying the Bible, it is to encourage us all to do what it says. This would include ministering to widows and orphans but every area of our lives should be affected by what we learn.
- How will our study of the scriptures affect the way we raise our children?
- How will the study of scriptures help us determine how our children will receive an education and who is responsible for it?
- How will the scriptures influence the way we vote?
- Will we stand up for what the scriptures say about murder when it applies to murdering the unborn?
- Will we respond according to the scriptures when we are tempted to spend too much money, waste too much time, or are tempted to do ungodly things to please other people?
- Will we allow the scriptures to guide decisions regarding the books we read and the movies we watch or what form of entertainment we engage in?
- How will we work if we are doing what the Bible teaches? Will people know us for diligence and excellence?
- How will we respond to our neighbors, to their property, and to their possessions in general based on God‘s Word?
- What will be the priorities in our families if Jesus Christ is not just our Savior but our Lord and King?
- Do we know the God of the Bible or one we have created by taking what we want from the scriptures?
Our language, priorities, politics, work, recreation, worship, family, friends, and more should be affected by what the Most High God has given us in His Word.
Reading, hearing, and studying the Bible will equip us so that we can have the tools to do the good works that God has prepared for us.
Which area of life do you and I need to apply God’s Word to so that we bear more fruit for His glory?
Sharing time with God each day through reading His Word and reflecting is important to my spiritual well being. 🙂
Yes Melinda, and to how we live out our faith. Thanks for commenting.
Beth, I love how you dig deep into the scriptures! Our church has “required” each of our small home group Bible studies to support a missionary or mission project with prayers and finance, to conduct a prayer walk through our neighborhood and do a small community outreach project of our own choosing. To be honest with you, at times I have felt like this was was too much. But now that I am reading your words, I can see how important this is – living out what it is we are studying week after week. God bless you and your heart for the Lord!
Thanks Melissa, And may God be glorified in the work you are doing with your small group but also the work you do at home and in all aspects of life.
“Will we allow the scriptures to guide decisions regarding the books we read and the movies we watch or what form of entertainment we engage in?” That was a hard one for me. Honestly, it still takes work. But this is so true. We have to be careful what we expose ourselves to.
Afi – Your remind me of my own struggles to keep what God wants before me so that I remember to consider Him in every decision!
YES! I find it so hard to read the Bible without being motivated to action, whatever that looks like on any given day, and the longer I walk with Christ, the stronger that feeling becomes. Awesome perspective… thank you for this.
Thank you, Jessica, That is living faith you are practicing! I pray the Lord uses your action to advance His Kingdom!
Excellent! I will share this with the dear ladies in my Bible study! Thank you!
Thanks, Sharon, I pray it spurs them on to love and good works!
Excellent! I will share this with the dear ladies in my Bible study! Thank you!
I am so in awe of our Lord. This is what I was thinking about this morning. You have said it so well. May I copy it to read to my Bible Study ladies this week?
Gwen, Nothing delights me more than the Lord using what He gives me. Copy away! Thanks for reading and commenting!
Your post really left me thinking. You are right, why study the Bible if we are not going to put it into action. The Bible is an instruction manual, a how to live our life so requires action. Thanks
Yvonne, You hit the nail on the head – it is an instruction manual! Thanks
Great encouragement!
Thanks Julie.
So important to have that daily time with God. I get so off-track without it. Thanks and God bless!
Awesome Post/ Pep Talk to get us on the right track thank you Sister, God Bless!
Thanks for the encouraging words, Stephen!
Amen! Every area of our lives should be flavored with Christ – we should bring that saltiness everywhere and in every area.
I need more Jesus.. I guess in my emotions if that makes any sense.
I have been anxious lately – but if i trust, then I shouldn’t be right?
Well, Christina, We should be able to easily overcome anxiety but obviously God knows we will be anxious or He would not have told us to “be anxious for nothing.” The sin is not turning to Him so that we stay in it. Blessings!