Faithful in Little


There are so many big things happening in the world that it is hard to keep track but easy to feel helpless to do anything about them. As a lowly citizen of the world, it feels like we have no power or authority.

But wait, we are in covenant with the One who has all power and authority and His Word is the Sword of the Spirit given to us for just such a time as this! As individuals in covenant with the powerful God, we can fight with His authority for what He has told us is right, just, and holy.

It is apparent to anyone paying attention that our nation is under the judgment of God. This is understandable from a scriptural view when we look at all the ways we has abandoned Him. From taking Him out of schools by eliminating prayer and teaching things contrary to His word, to the attacks on the family as the primary source of structure and preparation for a functional society, to the horrors of the shedding of so much innocent blood through abortions. This nation deserves what we are getting as the Lord works to draw us back to Himself.

His grace is amazing as we watch Him continue to bring sinful people to faith. What are we doing with that faith? How are we teaching new believers or weak believers to live it out in our day?

“Small” things like teaching the next generation or teaching Moms in Sunday School, speaking the truth to our neighbors, serving the poor, the orphan, the widow, and faithfully abiding in the word of God, these are the “small” things that, when we are faithful to do them, God will use in bigger ways that we may not see.

This question of how to make a difference was brought home as I watched a video from an interview about vaccines with Dr. Theresa Deisher. She revealed horrifying information about how aborted fetal cells are procured.

As one who is already painfully aware of the innocent blood that pollutes our land through the “legalization” of abortion, this was more horrible. This self-described scientist and founder of Sound Choice Pharmaceutical, is being interviewed about “Recently Aborted Baby DNA in Vaccines.” (See the video here:

When asked if the babies are born alive she answers that “it is definitely dead when they cut its heart out.” She explains further that the baby must be born alive to get the “cells preserved for processing.” She goes on to explain that there is no anesthetic for the baby and that she would never do this to a mouse or a rat.

She expresses a concern that we will see later and later abortions so that the cells are more usable by pharmaceutical manufacturers.

This is a huge sin against God and, as one little Christian in the world, I cannot make much of an impact. BUT, I can tell you and you can tell others and we can each do our little part to tell someone else and inform women before they head to the abortion clinic that this is the fate of aborted babies (though I do not believe this happens with every single baby aborted).

As harsh as this sounds, an abortive mother pays someone to kill her child who then sells the baby’s body parts for great profit. As the Church of Jesus Christ we say we stand against this but this video was made 10 months ago. I am seeing it now for the first time (not sure how Facebook missed censoring it).

Does your congregation (your Pastor, your elders and deacons, your friends in small group and Sunday School) know of the depth of the evil for which God is judging this nation? Do they know all that God’s Word says about the shedding of innocent blood? How much more innocent than a baby in the womb can you get?

How faithful are we to point others to the truths in the word of God as we see His Word reviled and so much innocent blood spilled as we sit and remain silent in the midst of an evil generation?

 For He established a testimony in Jacob, And appointed a law in Israel, Which He commanded our fathers, That they should make them known to their children; That the generation to come might know them, The children who would be born, That they may arise and declare them to their children, That they may set their hope in God, And not forget the works of God, But keep His commandments; And may not be like their fathers, A stubborn and rebellious generation, A generation that did not set its heart aright, And whose spirit was not faithful to God.                        Psalm 78:5-8
