Give Thanks


Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

1Thessalonians 5:18


Gratitude, Maryland is a speck on the map right on the Chesapeake Bay. We have friends who have a home there, right on the water. When we would visit our host always told us that we were to arrive with an “attitude of gratitude.” God’s creation of sun and water combined with the hospitality of friends made this an easy rule to follow, even with small children in tow.

As November comes to an end, the daylight hours shortened and a little gray, Christmas shopping that needs to get done really soon, and a friendly relationship challenged, gratitude, though not constantly on my lips, remains in my heart.

The basics of my life are good and solid. I believe God’s promise never to leave nor forsake me. I know that He will be my refuge and my comfort when I need Him. He is my ever-present help in times of trouble. What more could a woman want from her God? In His righteous sovereignty He is sufficient for all my needs.

I am grateful for his temporal blessings as well. God has abundantly provided for us with regard to personal comforts. He has given me a husband who loves, provides, and protects me. I am grateful for my children and my son-in-law and granddaughter who remind me why God wants us to cherish the family. He has given us extended family on both sides who also love and care for us. Add to this a family of believers who have become as close and important to us as our biological families and even I can see I have nothing to complain about.

Spiritually, He has blessed me not just with His Word, but because His call on my life is to teach it, I am blessed with a lot of time to study it. (If you want to get closer to the Lord Jesus, study His Word.) This is one place where He has revealed His character and His ways to us. I am blessed with the opportunity to grow in my understanding on a daily basis, a true gift!

SO, all in all, gray days or not, God has given me, and all of His people, many reasons to adopt an attitude of gratitude and to tell the world why. He sent His Son to give us a way to know and be known by the Lord God Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth. He is the only One who can redeem us from the grave by forgiving our sin. Above all of this when we have a saving relationship with Him here He offers us the hope of heaven forever to look forward to.

So, though we are to give thanks in all circumstances, at this time of Thanksgiving we should take the opportunity to get specific. Will you leave me a comment giving God the glory for what you have to be thankful for?


  1. Annie on November 23, 2009 at 10:15 pm

    I am grateful for godly parents, and for good friends who challenge me with Scripture. I am grateful for God’s provisions in my life, like my car and my home, and my husband and daughter.

  2. Kathy on November 24, 2009 at 8:04 pm

    I am grateful each morning that I wake up! I am grateful for the beauty that surrounds me: the trees, plants, sky, clouds, hills…

    I am grateful for so much that I wouldn’t have time to list them all.

    Most of all, I am grateful that God loves me – as the boys would say, “just the way I am.”

  3. Alicia on December 1, 2009 at 5:16 pm

    I am grateful for God’s sovreignty and the fact that there is no “fate” only the perfect plan of God. I am thankful that even though my house has not sold yet, I have loving and gracious parents who have opened their home up to me and my husband. What a blessing to spend this Christmas season with them…to have more than just a few days to visit:)