Now what? Our house has been on the market for 15 months. Now, it’s sold and I don’t know where we will go. We have until the end of June to figure it out.
There is great peace for me in the fact that God knows. He hasn’t told me yet but because I know Him I know that He is already preparing a place for me – here on earth.
I feel a little like Abraham must have felt when God sent him away from his home but didn’t tell him where he was going. He just said “go to the land I will show you.” I am waiting for God to show my husband and me where He is taking us. This is a real test for one who likes to make a plan.
This does not mean that we are not trying to do our part. We do not expect that God will drop a note on my lap while I sit and read or sun myself in the back yard. We are looking at rentals and discussing gas prices, housing prices, renting, owning, family locations, and proximity to our church. Human considerations with “logical” answers. I don’t suppose that Abram’s family and friends thought it was logical for him to take off at the word of the Lord without any clear direction. He was 75 years old for goodness sake!
Amazingly, today I have peace. I know that my God loves us and will provide for us because He has been so faithful in the past. He does not change. His mercies are new every morning. He is our refuge and strength. If nothing else we can build a home with Him on that firm foundation!
As I look at the list of all that God has done for me I rest on the assurance that He will not leave us nor forsake us.
Think about – or even write – the list of God’s faithfulness and blessings to you and proceed into your future with confidence in Him to provide for you as we will trust Him to provide for us.