Hard Times Coming

Storm Ahead

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.” Joshua 24:15


The Hebrews in Egypt were falling on hard times. The Pharaoh thought there were getting to be too many of them. He ordered the midwives to kill all the Hebrew boys as they were born.


They refused to do it and when confronted by Pharaoh, they lied about it saying the Hebrew women were so strong they delivered their babies before the midwives could arrive. (Exodus 2:16-20)

Brave Women

These midwives are my heroines. They feared God more than they feared Pharaoh. I wonder what I would have done. Would I have been so courageous?

These brave women saved the lives of innocent babies because they feared God. They kept families intact, keeping parents from years of mourning the loss of a child. Their refusal to kill was righteous. Their deceitful words? What do you think? The blood of innocent babies was spared by their actions. The lives of the midwives were spared by the grace of God. There is no other explanation for why Pharaoh would not have killed them for their inability (or refusal) to achieve his purposes. Exodus 2:21 says, “God dealt well with the midwives. And the people multiplied and grew very strong.”

Facing the Future

As Christians, we are going to face some edicts from our political leaders that will contradict God’s law. Unless the Lord intervenes, these changes are coming. They are coming fast. I am sure those midwives were fearful of crossing Pharaoh when they refused to obey him. They did it anyway.

Will we fear God more than man when:

  • our pastors perform gay marriages for fear of losing the church building or their retirement plans?
  • as abortions continue and more laws are passed requiring Christians to remain quiet about them?
  • as public schools force more and more godless and amoral teaching on the children of our nation?
  • as our biblical truths are categorized as “hate” in spite of God’s protective intention in His Word?

These are questions we need to consider now. These are issues that will test our faith. Because the Word of God is God breathed, if it is all true as the scriptures teach, we need to prepare ourselves now for how we will respond when we are tested.

As we face an increasingly godless government, will we be willing to set an example for our children to stand against the tyranny of the loss of our freedom to believe God’s Word and live accordingly?

As the midwives stood against the evil orders of an evil leader, will we act as God calls us – or as Pharaoh demands?

Like the Hebrews when they were in Egypt, hard times are coming in America. Are we ready to do the right thing as the midwives did?


  1. Pat Trembley on June 19, 2015 at 4:09 pm

    So true and so sad. I believe we should all prayerfully consider how we would respond to different situations before we are faced with having to make a quick decision. Thanks for this thought-provoking post.

    • admin on June 20, 2015 at 4:43 pm

      Yes Pat, and how we will teach the next generation to do the same thing. Living our faith (as I know your family is trying to do) as a priority every day will help! Beth

  2. Racheal on June 20, 2015 at 5:04 pm

    I have this scripture, josh.24:15, hanging up in my home , it is not for decoration but for declaration.I to feel an urgency in my Spirit about hard days ahead.Thank you for writing this, it is a very serious matter. in preparation I think Matt.6:33 is how we prepare , if we are not in fact already. Seek a forgiveness and repentance, recommit your life to the Lord if need be and may we be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.May the Holy Spirit make us bold in that hour and even now! (Eph.6:1019,Matt.10:19,Mrk.13:11,Lk.12:11)

    • admin on June 23, 2015 at 9:51 pm

      Racheal, I love the statement that your scripture in your home is “not for decoration but declaration!” This is a serious matter and I am so grateful for your encouraging response. I pray you see blessing from your desire and efforts to serve the Lord. Beth