Then, my new friend, who had been raised in a Bible believing, Christian home, asked me what I had thought about judgment, as in God’s judgment of my sin.
Read MoreR.J. Rushdoony points out that the family is a child’s first school and first government. It is also where they experience their first job and first community.
Read MoreIt is a very secure feeling to know that He is so much more powerful than Satan, or any earthly opposition that we face, that we need not be too concerned about their power, relying instead, on Him as the greatest power.
Read MoreThese are “fruits of the Spirit.” They are not gifts. God has given each one of His children gifts but fruits of the Spirit are displayed based on our discipline to obey God and His Word.
Read MoreLooking back and pining for what is no longer or what might have been is not a good route for us to take.
Read MoreIn a broadcast by the Epoch times on July 11th the host pointed out that the major force behind the boycotts and losses to these major corporations is Moms.
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