• Exposing Evil



    Horrifying. Saddening. Sickening. Criminal. Heartbreaking.

    The video is: “Breaking News: Insider With the D.C. Case of the Baby Remains (Warning: Graphic)” put on YouTube by Apologia Studio’s Jeff Durbin.  It is a graphic report of A.J. Hurley’s witnessing of the recent case of 115 babies (though some news reports say 5) whose bodies were discovered at a D.C. abortion clinic.

    The warning that this video is graphic is one to be truly considered. Children should be nowhere near when this video is on screen. The bodies were recovered in order to give them a proper burial but time was taken to record the hideous methods used to kill some of them in the womb.

    Graciously, all of them are not shown. Of the few that are, it is apparent that some are dismembered and one was dead in the amniotic fluid still in the sac. It is hard to think about the dying process in that case or any of the others. (Full disclosure: I could not bear to see the babies and did avert my eyes after seeing the initial image).

    Fatherless. The reality of abortion. Brutal murder. Depravity of man.  All of these are words used to describe what happened to these babies.

    To their credit this video is not created to bring us to a place of righteous anger so we can go on a rant about it at the family dinner table or our small group meeting (as appropriate as both may be).

    The goals (as I heard them) behind the graphic pictures is so all Christians have opportunity to see and understand the depth of the depravity behind the abortion industry, to wake up the church to the incredible amount of innocent blood that has been shed in our own land (Numbers 35:33), and to call us to action to protect the unborn from such a violent and premature ending to their lives.

    There are several aspects to the call to action:

    • to speak up at abortion mills, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ
    • to help brothers and sisters in the Lord see the great offense against our great God that it is
    • to speak the truth about it wherever we are
    • to call on your own legislators to change our laws for the protection of innocent life
    • to pray for those who have voluntarily put themselves in the way of legal “authorities,” risking their own imprisonment because our civil laws support this kind of murder

    Many passionate Christians are fighting back against this evil. Many churches do stand against abortion in sermons and teaching. They are encouraging their own to see and know the blessing that God says our children are for us.

    Pastor Durbin acknowledges that some Christians are fighting back against this evil but leaves us with the convicting and motivational question: “Are we fighting back hard enough?”


    To view the video (while it lasts on YouTube) click here.

    For information regarding joining the fight against the evil of abortion go to:


    End Abortion Now – https://endabortionnow.com/
