“God Bless America!!” I saw this everywhere on social media and on some Christian sites as we went through the celebrations of our nation’s Independence Day. Why on earth would any God fearing Christian think that God should bless our sinful, unrepentant nation at this point in history? Right now it seems that…
Read MoreIt had been a quiet night at home. Around 9 PM we sat down to enjoy a little “who done it” on TV. At 10 PM we heard the quiet knock on our front door. Our next door neighbors were at our door looking a little shaken with a fire extinguisher in their hands.…
Read MoreGod’s grace gets delivered to us in a myriad of ways. . In the first two chapters of 1 Samuel we’re introduced to Elkanah and Hannah, the prophet and priest, Samuel’s parents. We are also introduced to Peninnah who is Elkanah’s other wife. It’s very interesting how the Bible reports the facts, sometimes without…
Read More“The birthing person,” really? We all see it; traditional values and understandings are taking a huge hit in being categorized as politically incorrect. The two greatest tragedies (IMO) are the hit on marriage and the hit on the family. By confusing gender identity and roles, we are confusing what needs to happen with Mom,…
Read More“Forgive Like Jesus Forgives.” These were the words on a roadside billboard. I couldn’t help but wonder how many people know much about how Jesus forgives. In order for Him to forgive us we must confess and repent of our sin. Real repentance will include restitution when it’s required. And, He considers how we…
Read MoreNo idolatry, no taking the Lord’s Name in vain, remember the Sabbath, honor your parents, don’t murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness, or covet what your neighbor has. These commandments cover all facets our lives when taken to their full intent. John says they are not a burden (1 John 5:3). Without a…
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