What has gone wrong in a culture when many women who have been sexually assaulted remain silent about it? Even worse, what has happened that when they are not silent about it no one listens or responds in their defense? How many times have we heard that the Bible speaks to every aspect of…
Read MoreThere has been a mess accumulating on my back porch since well before Christmas. With our recent snow, it looks even worse – shoes, shovels, wagons, dirt, twigs, and more. I am forced to walk through it to go to fill the birdfeeder (which has been emptied at least twice a day since our…
Read MoreA friend recently commented on this video that it is hard to imagine that in 2021 we need to teach people that a baby in the womb is not a blob of cells but a real person, growing in the image of God. “Help Before Abortion,” is a ministry set up in an effort…
Read MoreIn a recent conversation about salvation a ten year old responded, “Well, it starts with repentance. Repent, believe, be baptized.” (See Acts 2:38). I was pleasantly surprised. I was expecting to hear how God loves us. But, truly, there is no salvation without repentance (and the love of God). Christ died to take the…
Read MoreAs a bunch of people were doing some yard work for a single Mom one Spring, a woman came by seeking to persuade us all to vote for her candidate for a local office. When asked about the politician’s stance on abortion, she proudly responded that she had a very decided stance that abortion…
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