Do you ever find yourself advising God (as if He needs our help)? Sometimes we seem to think that we have a great idea about how to right a wrong or get someone saved. We pray things like, “Oh Lord, Give me the opportunity to say ….. and he will change his mind.”…
Read MoreIn these COVID days I have had an intermittent feeling of impending doom. For me this has been more about the response to the disease than the threat of the disease. But, as I like to teach others, no matter the circumstances God always sends blessings. Sometimes, we just have to look for them.…
Read MoreDo the younger women in our churches know that biblically, abortion is murder? Do the younger women in our churches know that there are people happy to help them should they experience an unplanned pregnancy? Do they know that there are answers to their questions, finances for the financial concerns, and hope for their…
Read More“People are more concerned about the first death than they are the second death.” Pastor/Author Ron Kronz. Pastor Kronz is a man who has faced some harrowing experiences in his life. Some of these, by his own admission in his book, “Fighting to Win and other things I didn’t learn in Sunday School,” were…
Read MoreI didn’t see it. A guest speaker at my church mentioned it in his sermon. The sign in front of a church said, “We’re just trying to figure it out, too.” I think I audibly gasped when he said it. How would this be helpful to a person looking for answers in our…
Read MoreAnd you shall know the truth and the truth will make you free. John 8:32 Which ones are the lies? Today I read that there is a definite threat of an increased number of COVID 19 cases[i] and it implied that we should hunker down again so we can reduce the spread. Then,…
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