“Beth, Christianity is radical. You do not want to do that.” This was my husband’s response when I told him I had become a Christian (see “The Church lady”). It was too late. The Lord had been showing me my sin and therefore, my need for a Savior, for some time. Now, I was…
Read MoreThere is a friend who used to call me “the Church Lady.” It was because I was always at church. If I wasn’t at Sunday services I was at a committee meeting or a homeless shelter helping to serve a meal, or taking my children to choir practice. My life revolved around whatever was…
Read MoreEvery once in a while I am reminded of a sermon where the preacher taught that everything in our lives is a test. “If you wake up in the middle of the night and step on a Lego, it’s a test.” Little and big incidents test our faith. Will we praise God whether or…
Read MoreHe was about 10 years old, standing and waiting for the light to change so he could cross the street. He was with what appeared to be his grandparents and an older sister. Even though the traffic light was in his favor, the corresponding lighted hand was red, meaning “Don’t cross.” He was…
Read More“Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.” Westminster Shorter Catechism It was called “Sharing Day.” At the end of every Bible Study Fellowship year of study we were offered a day for the women to give a testimony of what the Lord had taught them during the…
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