Envy and covetousness are easy sins to identify in others but take a little longer to admit when they’re ours. Yet, there seems to be no stage of life, from small child to octogenarian, when we are not confronted with someone who does something better than we do.
Read MoreWhen we are slighted, i.e., passed over for a position we wanted, interrupted in conversation, or left off the invitation list to a dinner, we need to “get over it.” (Mark 11:25).
But, if we are truly sinned against, we need to deal with it quickly in order to bring back peace and move on with the work of the Lor
This evil man and evil people in general do not care about others. Not their property, or their families, their feelings, and in this case, not even a man’s life. They want what they want and not to get it leads to frustration and anger and evil responses.
Read MoreYou can’t “unhear” slander. Once an innocent person has been accused, it is hard to forget the charges against him.
Read More“If you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.” This is one of those truisms that we rarely hear any more.
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