• The Shepherd’s Care


    Isaiah has a sweet verse reminding the Israelites of God’s protection and offering hope in the midst of a terrible situation. It says, “He will tend his flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs in His arms; He will carry them in His bosom, and gently lead those that are with young” (Isaiah 40:11).  Isaiah was  reassuring them that God would take care of them, even though they would be exiled in Babylon.

    They are experiencing the judgment of God and Verse 10 describes what He will do to their enemies who are holding them and then verse 11 gives them a beautiful picture of how He will, like a gentle shepherd, gather His lambs and carry them close to His heart.  He even adds extra attention to those who have young.

    Even in judgment, God’s grace for His people is evident. Though they will suffer the consequences of their sin, God has pardoned them (Isaiah 40:1-2).

    Many verses talk of God’s power and might against His enemies as He protects His people. It is a very secure feeling to know that He is so much more powerful than Satan, or any earthly opposition that we face, that we need not be too concerned about their power, relying instead, on Him as the greatest power.

    It is a completely other thing  to understand that He considers you and me, and any child of His living today, a lamb that He will not just protect, but carry close to His heart!  He tends His flock like a Shepherd. Shepherds have to be thinking constantly about and watching over their flocks so that they don’t stray.  When sheep do stray, true shepherds will find them and carry them back to safety among the flock.

    God’s love is like this. It is personal; each one is valuable to the flock.  Each of His children is treasured and loved, carried close to His heart.

    To us, sometimes we look at others in the faith and imagine that God must love them more. They seem more fruitful or bold. They are able to communicate His Word or extend kindness in ways we have not experienced. They deserve more love from Him, right?

    The Almighty, Most Holy, Incomparable God of the universe loves His children individually.  He knows all there is to know about us.  He has chosen the gifts we have to use. When we are faithful, He will protect us from evil whether we are in a house raising children, in a workplace growing a business, or teaching His Word to many or few.

    Faithful Christians can expect opposition in this world. But, God is Greater than any power that attacks us and He will defend us with His mighty arm – for His glory and our good. We may suffer in the battles as the Israelites did, but ultimately, He will “lead us beside still waters” (Psalm 23:2).

    Our job, as we live and work for Him, is to live according to His Word and to be thankful in all circumstances.

    It is clear that more persecution is coming for Christians in our nation. When we understand God’s love for us, see and use the gifts He has given us, and then recognize that He has also provided the protection we need to accomplish what He has for us to do, we can expect Him to gather us in His arms – the safest place in the universe for us to be.

     God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Psalms 46:1