I have a memory from somewhere around 1970. It was a classroom discussion of whether or not it was proper to discuss pregnancy (and use that word) in a classroom of both girls and boys.
We’ve come a long way since then but it would appear we have headed in the wrong direction.
From agreeing that it was fine to discuss, and use the word “pregnancy” we have opened every door to every sexual word or description that mankind can think of,,,but not for discussion. Discussions are a thing of my youth, they are no longer permitted. We are being told what to believe and warned not to challenge the main- stream thinking.
With this “sexual slide” into anything goes, we have also created a culture of death. With “free” sexual expression has come the demand for abortion. Make the baby and kill the baby is an acceptable path for our rapidly collapsing moral footing. The Biblical terms are fornication and murder.
Sadly though, our culture of death does not stop there. As we went through the Covid “pandemic” it was baffling to try to understand how the whole world was willing to take a not-all-that-threatening “virus” and remove the ability of medical practitioners to prescribe known remedies. We watched as “they” let a lot of the elderly and infirm die. These deaths did not bother the powers that could have provided the cure.
There is also the “jab” that was to eliminate the virus and, as it turns out, it was more effective at infecting than protecting. The numbers on that death toll are not forthcoming as the shot is still being pushed but has never been taken out of the experimental stages. The number of deaths are inconsequential to the people who are running the numbers (financial and medical).
The push in public schools to encourage and support the transgender movement among young children is also, ultimately, able to diminish our population. The youngsters who are “transitioning” medically are losing their ability to reproduce should they decide differently when they are old enough to make such decisions. Apparently, the hormone treatments eliminate reproducing in the future. Can a ten year old understand the ramifications of those decisions?
Another way that the population is being decreased is by the increase of homosexuality. This is a fact, whether accepted by the current teachings or not, neither two men nor two women can reproduce. The more we encourage young people to embrace these lifestyles (apparently attractive so they will be a part of the oppressed people rather than the straight oppressors in the world), the more we decrease the future population.
We are a nation committing slow but sure suicide. It seems to have started as we took God and His Word out of the culture. He says, “All those who hate Me love death” (Proverbs 8:36b).
Over the last few years we have watched as there have been significant increases in human trafficking, suicides, murders (both in and out of the womb), fatherless homes, depression, adultery, pornography that ruins marriages and relationships, and the general issues that used to be called evil that are now called good (living together before marriage. sex outside of marriage, child porn, etc.).
Our nation needs to know God and to understand that His ways are not our ways. We have lost our moral bearings as we have removed Him and/or His expectations of us from the public square.
Our silence is one source of the success of the death-producing problems we face today as a nation. Do we, as God’s people, His Church, have a big enough faith in Him to break the silence and speak the Words of God to others, publicly and privately?