• Fearfully Bold


    The Lord has some truly bold and faithful followers who are speaking the truth to those who need to hear it. They are on the street, at abortion “clinics,” and things like “drag queen story hours” that are aimed at grooming our children. These courageous Christians are proclaiming the truth of God’s Word and to be admired and encouraged. More of us should be joining them.

    Their courage can make some of us feel very cowardly.

    Searching for what the Bible means by the word “coward” in Revelation 21:8, it appears that this coward does not know God, there is nothing personal between them. His cowardice goes back to an unwillingness to place his faith in God. He does not trust God with any portion of his life, no less his eternal life. The whole list of people in the passage (cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars) would not proclaim Christ as King to anyone.

    As believers, God gives us all different gifts but one main goal: to glorify Him in proclaiming Him to others, a.k.a., loving our neighbor.

    It seems that many of us are more fearful than we are actual cowards. But what are we afraid of? Is it not the fear of man – or the fear that we might upset someone who is resting in their “goodness” to get them to heaven?  I am grateful that someone took the time and their own perceived “risk” to point out that good works were not helpful with regard to sin. God wanted to see my faith in Him, not works to overcome the sin problem.

    It is painful to look at ourselves and recognize that without Jesus we are lost in our sin and unable to be bold or courageous for God. However, the Lord provides the faith we need.

    What grace that the Lord provides the faith He requires!

    I can now read the first seven verses of Revelation 21 describing Heaven (a place exclusively for those who have faith in Jesus Christ) and rejoice that I will be there and will rejoice in the Lord there.  The Word of God has given me that assurance,  not because of anything in me, but because of everything about Christ and His sacrifice on the cross for my sin. (John 3:16).

    But what about the earthly fears that many Christians are experiencing now? They may not be because of faithlessness or cowardice, but we cannot ignore them.  The writer of Hebrews reminds us, “So we can confidently say, ‘The Lord is my helper; I will not fear; what can man do to me” (Hebrews 13:6)?

    If we are fearful of being bold for the Lord in places where we do not know what the response will be, remember these three things from that verse: (1) Because the Lord is our Helper,(2) we do not have to be afraid (we can be bold), because (3) God is more powerful than man so man can do nothing to me (Heaven awaits).

    Then, let’s be bold in our fear of the Lord, not of man.

    The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. Proverbs 28:1