It’s a Wonderful Life



The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

Psalm 16:6


Today I want to praise God for His goodness to me. It’s a 65 degree day, the sun is shining, I went to Bible Study this morning and have spent part of my afternoon going over a lesson I will teach tomorrow night on Pride and Humility. I need to finish writing this, run a couple of errands and then my son will come to have dinner with us tonight. The meat is already in the marinade.

Yesterday, because of the freedom of my schedule I could reach out to a friend going through a bit of a rough spot in her life. It was a joy to just sit and talk and look to the Lord for answers. True Christian fellowship. I did that and was still able to accomplish some other work.

It’s not that there isn’t anything negative in my life. I’ve got a couple of unresolved issues going on right now but in the whole scheme of things my life is great – because of my great God. He, who is sovereign over every detail of my life, can be trusted with these difficult matters.

As I was rejoicing over His goodness on my porch in the sun this afternoon I realized that He really has proven to me over and over that His mercies are new every morning. Because of His steadfast love and faithfulness I do not have to worry about these situations that affect me. I cannot change them. If there comes a time for me to act He will lead me in the way I should go. Until then I will rest in this pleasant place that He has given me.

I remember talking to a woman who is several years older than I am shortly after she had been diagnosed with cancer. We were talking about the blessings we had seen in our lives and how God had cared for us. She warned me that this tranquil time could quickly come to an end with a diagnosis or some other event that comes without warning. I know she’s right.

The writer of Lamentations says in verses 3:22-23, ” The steadfast Love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. The Lord is my portion says my soul, therefore I will hope in Him.”

When harder times come God’s steadfast love remains. Will I remember that when the difficulties appear?

It seems so simple for me to say that I will just trust the Lord if and when things get more like a test or trial than the pleasant place that I am in today. I know that they are called tests and trials because my faith will get tested and tried as I go through them. It may be difficult to see the Lord through the circumstances of life. But, I know that, “the steadfast love of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear him, and his righteousness to children’s children, to those who keep His covenant and remember to do His commandments.” (Psalm 103:17-18).

I pray that I will remember these times of relative ease and make them times when I try to carry God’s blessings to others and keep His commands. I need to be diligent to do what He calls me to do, not forgetting Him in my comfort.

I pray that I might be like David who said, ” You have multiplied, O LORD my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told.”

Praise the Lord for times of trials, life is wonderful then, too. It’s just in these times of relative ease I can rest in Him and get prepared for the trials that the Bible actually promises will come (James 1:2; 1 Peter 1:6).

If you are going through a time of trial now, will you take this as a reminder that God’s steadfast love for you has not changed? Right now it’s easy for me to sing God’s praises. When those trials come to me will you remind me that it is a wonderful life because we serve a wonderful Lord and Savior?