Love In Action


My husband bought me birdfeeders for Christmas. That in and of itself was an act of love. In our new house we have a perfect spot for them where I can eat breakfast and watch the birds. When he went to hang them today he realized that he had to put them up high so that I would be able to see the birds when they came.

After they were hung it was obvious that I was not going to be able to reach them to refill them. We also knew that he was not going to be around at convenient times – nor will he enjoy them (as much as I will) and so be motivated to refill them. Somehow I would manage.

Within minutes of all this I went to the basement where he had gone to put away his tools. He was heading up the stairs with a long stick to which he had attached a hook on one end. He made this “tool” so I could get the bird feeders down. My immediate response was, “You love me!” (I was envisioning dragging a ladder or chair out every time I needed to refill them.)

It only took him a few minutes and a little ingenuity to make me feel loved. (Some days are easier than others!). It was a small act with a large effect.

This little incident in my life is what made me start to really think about love being action. It is a verb. His small action made a great statement to me.

Sometimes we question God’s love for us. Circumstances and the stuff of life can get so hard that we fail to see the little things, the small blessings that God gives us everyday that can make us feel loved if we pay attention.

A blooming flower, a sunset, a favorite food, His regular, steady provision for our needs, answered prayers that we have forgotten we had prayed. All little blessings that can make a great statement from the Lord God Almighty to His seemingly insignificant people at times when we need it most (but may not be paying attention).

Then, there is the one, big, statement of love that God made to His people. John 3:16 says, ” For God so loved the world, that He gave his only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.” The Lord saw us with a huge problem (sin) and in His love for us, He sent the solution, Jesus.

When my husband showed a small act of love I responded immediately to praise him for his efforts for me. Husbands, friends, family members, and co-workers show us these acts all the time. If we are not completely self centered we can see that and we are quick to offer our thanks.

Are you and I as quick to see all the little blessings, no less the huge acts of love from God? Are we as quick to praise His efforts on our behalf and thank Him immediately?

In His Word God tells us how to show (what action to take) to prove our love for Him. In John 14:15 Jesus said, “If you love Me you will keep my commandments.”

So, in grateful response to God’s acts of love toward us (small and large) let’s offer Him our praise and thanksgiving by keeping His commands.

I will try to keep them and then, I’ll keep watching for the blessing of having the birds find my feeders!