Man Stuff for Women


In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. Ephesians 5:28


I asked my 2 ½ year old grandson, Bruce, what he had done with his Dad while his sister was having a tea party with seven five year old girls today. His response was, “Ann tuff.” (translation: Man stuff). At the same time he was clenching his fists and speaking in a low tone of voice.


As the evening wore on and I got the whole rundown on the tea party I learned that the men had been asked to make a grocery store run for some sprinkles the girls could use to put on the cookies they were going to ice as a part of the festivities. Daddy made the perfect choice of “Princess Sprinkles” for the girls to use.

I chuckled and said, “So, ‘man stuff’ included buying princess sprinkles?” I admit I was picturing something more like visiting hardware and sporting goods stores. My son-in-law’s immediate response as he nodded was, “Taking care of our women.”

What mother in law wouldn’t want to hear that one of her son-in-law’s top priorities is taking care of his women, up to and including choosing just the right sprinkles to make his daughter’s tea party special? I love this guy!

One of the tea party guests had a Dad at home cleaning up their house so Mom could bring the little girl and still be ready for company later in the day. He, too, was prioritizing his women as he did “man stuff” that looked more like “woman stuff”. How blessed these women are to have men who care so much for them and are willing to honor their wives (and daughters) by serving them.

One of Paul’s instructions to men was to love their wives as Christ loved the church. Christ laid down His life for the church! (Ephesians 5:25) These two men only laid down there masculinity for a time but I am thrilled that there are two families of kids learning how strong marriages work.

We hear a lot of backlash from the world today about gender identity and roles. As I watch my grandchildren, and as I did with my own children, and see the differences between boys and girls, I wonder how anyone can question how different they are. Though the grandkids sometimes fight over the blocks and crayons my grandson is usually safe with his “tools” and my granddaughter is usually safe with her pretty headbands (though he does enjoy my makeup and it’s not all that unusual to find him imitating a lot of what his big sister does in a day).

As one Dad shopped for sprinkles and another cleaned the house it is obvious that men and women are both capable of doing all kinds of the same things. These marriages happen to have women who do not work outside the home so these chores are usually their responsibility.  I realize that in a household where both parents work these may be divided differently. But, when a man’s motives for doing “women’s work” are to show his love for his wife, he honors God by honoring his marriage. And, it may seem sappy and sentimental, but he moves up a bracket in my book.

God takes marriage very seriously. Here is one way He instructs men to care for their women. “Likewise, husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered, 1 Peter 3:7. “ A man who mistreats his wife hinders his own prayers! God wants men and women to show honor to each other in their marriages. Obedience brings blessing.  

“Man stuff” (and “ann tuff”) includes taking care of wives and children. How I pray that more men would understand this and that more women would appreciate it if they have it.



  1. Pat on February 26, 2013 at 12:26 pm

    I hope your next post is “How to get your husband to clean!”

  2. admin on February 27, 2013 at 5:02 pm

    I’ll have to send you the answer to that in a private note!