Regular Posts

Mom: Hardworking or Hardly Working?

Lazy woman in bed


 She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat     the bread of idleness.         Proverbs 31:27



She is a little intimidating.

She is an excellent wife, she does her husband good and not harm. She works with willing hands, brings her food from afar, rises while it’s still dark and stays up (working) until after dark. She buys a field with the money she makes from the things she makes at home. She is strong, kind and generous to the poor and needy, and her children have all they need. Her husband is successful and she is secure about the future. She opens her mouth and wise words come out in kindness. She takes care of her household and is rarely idle. Her children call her blessed as does her husband and he praises her. Above all else, she fears the Lord.

In case you don’t recognize her, she is the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31:10-31.

At the end of my day today I did a little review of the day. I accomplished some regular chores and some studying. I checked all my social media and read some blog posts. I started the day with a goal of writing about 3,000 words. I wrote about 1,000 (disappointed). I did get some studying done so I could try again tomorrow. Today was more productive than some days, but, overall, I do not “feel” like I am anywhere near the virtuous, industrious, hardworking woman of Proverbs 31.

She challenges me when I read those verses. Does the way I spend my time (all of it) bring good to my husband and my household? Am I one whose children would rise up and call me blessed or, if they were younger, would they be wishing I would turn off my computer and make dinner)?!

When women my age cannot take their eyes off their phones in a casual conversation, and I see younger women even more focused on their phones, I worry for the husbands and children. In the empty nest stage of life I have some freedom, but does freedom make it right?

In the whole scheme of the Kingdom of God how would my time be best spent? How should I spend my time so that God’s Kingdom is built up and fortified for the next generation?

This virtuous woman of Proverbs 31 spent her time making sure her family had all they needed. Her husband could be at the gate to influence the business and cultural world for God’s glory. With her wisdom and kindness she is influencing her children to extend the Kingdom. Please notice in Proverbs 31:31 her works are also acknowledged at the gates. She is not a wallflower sitting at home, unappreciated. Her works and her goods are seen and praised.

She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27

It’s that bread of idleness that worries me for our day. How much time do we devote to the people and responsibilities God has given us and how much time are we just wasting as we sit in front of our computers or on our phones? Are we well-spoken of at the gates?  Can our husbands and children say we look well to the ways of our households?