More Work, Less Pay

The LORD God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.

Genesis 2:15



We are facing an interesting time economically.  I think that by now almost everyone would agree that we as a nation are in trouble from a financial point of view.  Many of our friends and family members have lost their jobs.  Some have found new ones but they are working more hours and making less money.  We are watching a trend in the last two years showing that new college graduates are finding it difficult to find employment.  The ones who do are willing to work at anything and not relying on their college degree to dictate their employment.

Some of our friends whose jobs seem secure have taken a pay cut or they are working harder to make the same money.  Some tell me they are in constant concern over making payroll or keeping their current employees employed. 

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says that unemployment is 9.1% nationally and has held there for several months.  Michigan’s is over 15% and California and a couple of others are over 12%.  I read a blog by a man watching the stats in California and he said, “Counting people who are no longer collecting unemployment, never received unemployment because they didn’t qualify or people who are working part time just to have a little income – [the unemployment rate is] more like 19-22 percent.”

Well, this picture isn’t pretty and it is affecting so many areas of life.  Besides what we cannot buy it is hard on a marriage and it is difficult for kids who have been used to having whatever they need and most of what they want.  They will get over it but it should make those who are employed a little more grateful for their jobs.

SO, the real crux of my thinking today is about the wives of men who are doing whatever they can to hold onto their jobs and maybe taking a job that is less than they have had before.  I am fully aware that women are in the same boat but this post is being written out of concern for women’s responses to their husband’s changes in job situations.  Many  men are working longer hours and/or they may be bringing home less pay.  The job may not be in the same category as they used to work in.  These are humbling times.

I had a conversation with someone whose husband has kept his job but the number of hours he has to work is much greater.  She is feeling sorry for him because of the physical strain – and sorry for herself because she is alone a lot.  Another friend’s husband is also working the same job he’s had for years but the perks were cut back a couple of years ago and this year the responsibilities were rearranged.  Financially this was an advantage to his company but a disadvantage to their personal finances.  The stories go on and on.

Christian wives, do you think God is unaware?  Has all this happened so that we will be personally inconvenienced?  Is anger with our husbands going to help our marriages for a minute?  Is disappointment with a new job going to show respect to the man who has loved and cared for you for years?   

Several years ago my husband took a new job and – for reasons beyond his control – had to start working long hours – ridiculously long hours.  Our kids were out of the house and it was a lonely time for me.  I started to listen to lies like, “If he loved you he wouldn’t work these hours.”  “If he really cared about you he would just tell them he needs to go home.”  “A real Christian man would never leave his wife for this many hours.”   I’m sure I was a joy to come home to!!

IN my study of the scripture during this time God showed me a truth.  The truth was from 2 Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you.”  And so it was.  I started to counter my untrue thoughts with true ones.  “My husband has always worked hard and cared about me.”  “He would not do this if it wasn’t necessary.”  When he is here he is devoted and loving.”  God will never leave me nor forsake me.  He will be sufficient if I turn to Him.   

It took a few days of praying and reminding myself of the truth about my husband and my God, but the resentment toward my husband went away.  I am sure it was a lot easier to come home again!  

I was so happy this lady who talked to me could see that her husband was doing what he needs to do to keep his job in an economy that doesn’t promise anything new and better if he left the one he has.  My fear is for the marriage of that woman who wants to complain because, in a difficult economy, her husband isn’t living up to her expectations.  She is unhappy with the hours, the pay, or the kind of job her husband has taken.  The lie that we believe is, “things can be like they always have been.”  The truth to replace that lie is that, unless the economy improves drastically soon, “any job is a good job.”   

An excellent wife who can find?  She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain. She does him good, and not harm, all the days of her life.  Proverbs 31:10-12   

I think the questions every wife needs to answer are, “How can I encourage and respect my husband given the current set of circumstances?”  “How can I do him good and not harm?”