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Observant Kids

Peek a boo through a fence

The righteous who walks in his integrity– blessed are his children after him! Proverbs 20:7


It was one of those adorable baby moments. My ten month old granddaughter initiated a game of “Peek- a- Boo.” She was “hiding” behind the arm of a chair, fully confident that if she could not see me, I could not see her. She ducked her head under the arm  of the chair and gave me a big grin! I knew she was playing though she didn’t say a word.

When I responded with, “Peek-a-Boo’” she ducked back behind the arm of the chair. She did this two or three more times as I dutifully responded with, “Peek-a-Boo!” On her fourth time, she raised, rather than lowering her head.

This was so funny to us. It is exactly how we play “Peek-a-Boo.” We come at her one way for a few times and then switch to a different angle to get her to look for us.

Babies learn from what they observe. Babies are observant.

This incident gave me reason to stop and think about what else this little one sees and hears in our home. We set an example in everything we say and do.

  • What words are we using to describe things?
  • What words do we use to describe God?
  • How do we treat each other?
  • How grateful are we? Who are we grateful to?
  • What kind of things do we do with our time?
  • What is she learning about priorities in her family? (Is it as important for the whole family to get to church on Sunday as it is to get sister or brother to soccer practice on Monday?
  • What causes us to be angry, happy, sad, or scared? (If we panic at a thunderstorm, so will they. If we get angry over a simple spill, so will they.)


As we think about the answers to each one of these questions we need to consider what we are teaching the next generation. Is what they are seeing and hearing really what we want them to learn, especially when it relates to our faith and gratitude to God?

Children are observant. What are our children (and grandchildren) observing in our lives?