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Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Philippians 3:12

Nurses see things differently than many of us.

A nurse made me laugh during a Bible study. The speaker on the video made the point that there are three things that are major impediments to our faith. They are pride, unbelief, and selfishness.

As we were discussing it later, the nurse said, “This is easy to remember. They are a pus on our faith. Pride. Unbelief. Selfishness.”

And so they are like a pus on our faith.

While the body fights an infection at the root of pus, not much else happens. An infection slows us down, or, if it’s bad enough, may stop us completely for a time. It can also just keep us from acting on anything. We just don’t feel like doing anything that requires energy or action. (And we all know that faith without works is dead. James 2:17)

Pride is difficult for many of us (especially me), because we tend to set a worldly standard for ourselves. We look around and see the sin of others, usually readily available for our consideration on social media, and we compare ourselves to all we see.

While we wear modest clothing, hold our tongues in ungodly debates, and promote the “right” political agenda, many Christians see themselves as pretty much sinless – comparatively speaking. It is easy to get prideful when the world is our standard. However, Christ said that we are to be “perfect” (complete) as God is perfect (Matthew 5:48).

When we hold our lives up to the light of Christ, our sin is visible. We have no room for pride when we compare ourselves to Him. We all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).

Unbelief for the Christian can be a little more difficult to discern. We may be able to keep up an external appearance of faith by church attendance and Bible study but when our faith gets tried and tested, we fall. We have not gained strength if breezing along and keeping up an appearance. We have not grown in faith, so when the hard times hit, we have nothing to direct us. The Holy Spirit can use that time to draw us closer, but what a gift if we are already relying on God in faith when tests and trials come?

Selfishness always makes me remember Philippians 2:3, “Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.” (ESV) Even in the Old Testament God accused the wealthy Israelites of being selfish and complacent (Isaiah 32:9). He called on them to hear Him and repent as they sat in their wealth and cared nothing for those suffering around them.

“Count others as more significant than ourselves.” These words are convicting.

Do you and I suffer from a P.U.S. on our faith? Is pride, unbelief, or selfishness keeping us from truly trusting and following God so we will faithfully love our neighbors?

Is the LORD our God? Or, are we our own god? What does our faith look like to others?

14 Comments on “P.U.S.

  1. That’s a great acronym! You are so right: pride, unbelief, and selfishness have to go! 🙂 Thanks, Beth. God bless you.

  2. Hi Beth. These are convicting questions (at the end of your post), I think mostly because P.U.D. is so easy to fall into (or, probably more accurately, rise above). We truly need God’s grace to transform our hearts in ways that honor Him and produce love for others. Such a struggle, but we have the Holy Spirit, our sure source of victory of the pus of our faith. Thank you for this challenge.

  3. Beth, what a powerful acronym from the nurse! I may never look at a regular infection the same again! Or when pride, unbelief, or selfishness infect me spiritually so I am not who I am supposed to be in Christ.

    1. Karen – I loved that acronym! I think of it often as I recognize (OK, the Lord shows me!) pride, unbelief or selfishness in myself. Thanks for reading and commenting.

  4. If God were to show us all our selfishness, we wouldn’t be able to stand it. And we can find our unbelief every time we’re afraid. I’m afraid way too much. Great message here.

  5. Great acronym! Pride easily comes to mind but unbelief and selfishness are equally important as potential infections to our faith and spiritual lives.

  6. I really like this – PUS and we are so guilty of as you so rightly say..
    Pride is difficult for many of us (especially me), because we tend to set a worldly standard for ourselves. We look around and see the sin of others, usually readily available for our consideration on social media, and we compare ourselves to all we see.
    Such good provoking thoughts!

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