Hospitality Today
I wasn’t really eavesdropping but neither was I participating in the conversation. One person was trying to illustrate the kind of person another one was without maligning him. The exact words escape me but the gist of it was that he was the kind of guy who would show up at church fellowships or…
Read MoreMoving Backward
I graduated from High School in 1973 (I can’t believe I’m that old, but it’s true). When I was in the 6th grade in my “Small Town America” school district the “Colored School” and the “White School” integrated. These are not my words but how each one was named at the time when talking…
Read MoreMindful Love
Most of us love to love straight from our hearts! We know that God is love (1 John 4:16) and so we understand our need to love as Jesus loved. (However, there are some differing views about just how He loved, a topic for another post.) Interestingly, in Mark 12:30 we are commanded, “And…
Read MoreSilence is Not Always Golden
What has gone wrong in a culture when many women who have been sexually assaulted remain silent about it? Even worse, what has happened that when they are not silent about it no one listens or responds in their defense? How many times have we heard that the Bible speaks to every aspect of…
Read MoreAccumulated Mess
There has been a mess accumulating on my back porch since well before Christmas. With our recent snow, it looks even worse – shoes, shovels, wagons, dirt, twigs, and more. I am forced to walk through it to go to fill the birdfeeder (which has been emptied at least twice a day since our…
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