Paying for Sin

But now the LORD declares: ‘Far be it from me, for those who honor me I will honor, and those who despise me shall be lightly esteemed.’  1 Samuel 2:30b

When my children were in junior high I came home from running errands to find them watching the Jerry Springer show.  I warned them that if we caught them again we would turn off the cable.  Well, after two more times that’s just what we did.  I remember being appalled by the subject matter.  I sat the kids down and said, “I don’t even know where to start there are so many things wrong with what was on the show!”

A man had come on the show to publicly propose to his girlfriend of a couple of years.  She had come on the show to tell him that she was in a committed relationship with her female roommate.  They let him go first.  He was humiliated and she looked like a mean sadist – in public.  I was horrified. 

 Last week someone put up a YouTube video on Facebook about Planned Parenthood.  Two people from an organization trying to expose them for who they are went in undercover and talked to the office manager about getting medical care, birth control, and abortions for sex-trafficked young women.  They explained that some wouldn’t even be able to speak English. 

 Planned Parenthood told them just how they would need to complete the paperwork and what wording would send up a red flag and what was “safe” to say in order to get through the system without getting caught in the act of trafficking young women.  The office manager even warned them who the one employee was who would not want to help them!

 To me this made Jerry Springer look like a nice program!  How can any adult not just look the other way but actually advise two adult sex traffickers in how to get “care” for the girls without getting caught?  Why wouldn’t they have called the police the moment they knew what was happening? 

 I have not been a fan of Planned Parenthood in the past because of their willingness to abort babies.  I have read articles about their founding that have also raised questions in my mind about the ethical standards of their practices.  But this takes the cake.  They will even abort the babies of girls who are kidnapped or trafficked from another country to come here and serve as sex slaves without saying a word.  A little “wink – wink” to the pimps and off the girls go. 

 According to an article on Fox News, Planned Parenthood received about $363 million dollars from you and me last year.  ( That’s right, our taxes are paying for abortions and birth control – even for girls who are being illegally trafficked for sex!  At what point do we speak up as Christians?  At least we can choose not to support those who sponsor Jerry Springer. 

 God’s Word is pretty clear about killing and it’s very clear that God has formed us in the womb.  Psalm 139:13 says,  “For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.”

 In order to justify paying taxes to a government that supports Planned Parenthood (or other “causes” that are in clear opposition to the scripture) many Christians like to quote Romans 13:6-7 which say, “For the same reason you also pay taxes,  for the authorities are ministers of God, attending to this very thing.  Pay to all what is owed to them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed.”  Do we (that is we Christians) believe God is being honored when we pay into a system that gives Planned Parenthood money to commit murder?   

 I believe God would have us pay taxes when they contribute to the greater good for a nation.  But, in verse 7 Paul says that we are to pay respect and honor to whom it is owed.  Who is worthy of more respect and honor than God?  Is He respected or honored by an organization that kills babies and generally shows no moral standard in their practices?

 I am not suggesting that we stop paying our taxes – yet.  Should we, though, let out voices be heard in Washington?  There’s already a movement to stop the funding, all you and I need to do is let our representatives know how we want them to vote. 

 Psalm 84:11, For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor.  No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.


  1. Ruthanne on February 16, 2011 at 12:10 am

    Great post. This is HORRIFYING (although, sadly, not surprising). Could you put up the links for the youtube video, and possibly the articles that have caused you to raise your eyebrows? Christians need to be educated on this.

    • admin on February 16, 2011 at 12:44 pm

      Ruthanne – Thanks. The article is linked in the post. I did share the video on Facebook a few days ago. Here’s the site for that

  2. Deb Goodman on February 16, 2011 at 5:16 am

    Excellent! Very well put. We can not just sit by and watch as they sin with our money!

  3. Emily Ziehmer on February 16, 2011 at 7:21 am

    I have an idea. . . Why not put that $363 million toward the education of our children instead of the extinction of our children, specifically toward the education of children with special needs who need those extra supports and services in order to fully participate with their school-aged peers? What if our government and our schools actually began to value the “least of these” and quit honoring murderers and thieves. What if our government actually began supporting those who truly need the support rather than those who know how to “work the system” in order to not have to actually work? I wonder how “depraved in mind and deprived of the truth” we must become before enough is enough. Just a thought.

    • admin on February 16, 2011 at 12:45 pm

      I love these ideas!

  4. Kathy on February 16, 2011 at 8:35 am

    I was disgusted by the article too. I agree with Emily too. School districts budgets are suffering, while we allow Planned Parenthood to prevail. I wish more Christians would have a voice. The stand by and allow it to happen because they don’t want to make trouble. I believe that we can make a difference peacefully too. Isn’t that what Martin Luther King Jr. did – took a stand peacefully. Unfortunately, most people aren’t willing to lay down their lives in order to make a change. I have made it a point to pray for our leaders daily.

  5. suzi Ciliberti on February 18, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    I loved what you wrote here. I saw this on Fox News last night and I am praying that God will allow the funding to be removed from our tax coverage. They are working here in TX to reqire sona grams to be shown to the mothers of the babies they are wanting to kill hoping it will slow down abortions and for that I am so grateful.

    Thanks for speaking out on the subject! You go girl!!!