Paying to Caesar


Tax time

And Jesus said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?”   Matthew 22:20

Generally speaking I let my husband worry about the financial aspects of our life. He is an accountant by education and interested in economics by nature. But every April 15th my curiosity is piqued and I try to understand what we pay into the government and what it pays for. That was heightened this year by our sermon yesterday that landed on Matthew 22:21 in our study of the book of Matthew.

The verse says,  “Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Matthew 22:21). After church my husband and I got into a discussion of, “What is Caesar’s?” It is a hard question to answer. If Caesar claims everything that’s clearly usurping God’s domain (The earth is the Lord’s and all thereof Psalm 24:11).  But in many areas God has clearly delegated authority (including taxing authority) to the civil government.  Like the denarius the Pharisee handed to Jesus, our money is clearly marked as that of the United States of America. Is it the government’s money on loan to us? Or are our finances on loan from God but physically produced by our government?

I have no problem paying my taxes to keep our nation protected from enemy invaders. I want us to pay our share to keep the infrastructure of the country in good working order and safe for us to use. But, I want to draw the line at paying for Planned Parenthood to perform abortions and people to take advantage of a welfare system that allows healthy adults to collect “benefits” when they are capable of working. It scares me to think about what else there is that dishonors God in the way our nation spends taxpayer monies.

I question bills that pass in our House of Representatives and in the Senate. What has been added to them that we never see until we learn we’re paying for them? How is that we have come to a point that a defense bill that might make perfect sense would have added to it unrelated issues that get grouped into one vote?

Can the average citizen even really know all that the government has taken on financially when we have so little information coming to us? I guess if I were more diligent about paying attention rather than leaving it to others I could find out. I still get the paper but rarely read what the “pork” on any given bill might have added to it.

I have promised my allegiance to God before man or nation. I am guilt-ridden (or maybe just really confused) every year when we pay our taxes about how to handle the conflict within me between obeying this teaching of “paying to Caesar that which is Caesar’s” and the conviction I get about how that money is spent. And I am only beginning to come to grips with determining what is truly due to Caesar.  It cannot be anything he claims.

So, what recourse do I have? I am guilty of doing nothing and I know that is wrong. What I think I must do is take a more active interest in politics. Who is running for office and where do they stand on the issues that are important to me because they are important to God? Are they God-fearing men and women? What criteria are we using to cast our vote?

How about letters to the editor? I read a great one last week about marriage that made me wonder where the Pastor who wrote it preaches. He pointed right to the law of God as the judge of the laws of men. I admire him for standing up for the Word of God.

My husband pointed out to me yesterday that Jesus and His disciples were not persecuted because people were being saved from hell by their new faith. They were being persecuted because they were trying to influence people to believe that God’s Word is higher than Caesar’s.  Though I would not look forward to being persecuted I can be pretty sure that with my wimpy stand on God’s law I am under no real threat. My form of objecting to what the government does is of no threat to them at all. I am safe.

Maybe we  are all a little too concerned about our safety. We may need to pay our taxes every year but that does not mean that we need to stand by silently as the government moves farther and farther away from the Word of God.

How can we speak up in a way that we will be heard and our nation will be blessed of God for obeying His rule here?


  1. Cheryl Baus on April 16, 2013 at 8:50 am

    Thank you Beth, this subject is a real concern of mine also and a real atruggle for me as well!!! If you come up with or find out about a way that we could make some kind of difference with the corruption and lack of respect for our God please let me know I would love to join you in the fight. It seems so hopeless to me, I avoid the news. The amount of complacency and attitude of entitlement sickens me and of course the turning from and mention of, or thought about God’s ways for us to live our lives seems totally lost. Thanks for your writings and thanks for listening.

    • admin on April 17, 2013 at 10:02 am

      Thanks Cheryl, So far I have not come up with a plan. I’ll keep you “posted” if the Lord shows me a way! I keep praying for Him to change more hearts.

  2. Terry S. on April 17, 2013 at 12:09 am

    Thank you Beth. It’s good food for thought however, I can’t help but wonder what went through the minds of the early Christians who witnessed a lot worse than America is becoming. Can you imagine your tax dollars used to build a place like Rome?! It’s massive idols of other gods, paying the soldiers, who were specifically know for their brutality his wages, and what of all the casual child sacrifices, and rampant homosexuality and prostitution?…. You get the idea. When any nations government and it’s people become immoral, godless and corrupt, how is the Christian to respond? How did they?

  3. Terry S. on April 18, 2013 at 8:08 am

    Beth, now you got ME thinking. On the other hand maybe we could share the message of the Cross leading some to repentance if we did get arrested! Paul highly recommends it. : )

    The truth rarely gets out and the Gosnell trial will convict those with un-seared consciences that abortion is, in fact, MURDER and his crimes are as evil as an early trimester abortion.
    As I was meditating on the horrible images I had another one. It was of a large group of professing Christians surrounding Jesus in protest as He extended his hand to the Gosnell monster.
    Iron sharpens iron. Thanks for encouraging me to stay in the word and on my toes!

    • admin on April 18, 2013 at 8:55 am

      Terry, Now, this is is my thought: I shudder to think that the Lord would have to hold me up in jail to get me to share the Gospel. I say I will go where He calls me – if it’s to jail, so be it. I would have to be more firm in my stance against taxes than I am now to get arrested for it.
      I pray you are right about others seeing abortion for what it is as word gets out. A changed heart would be a wonderful display of the grace of God.
      Our God reigns!

  4. Terry S. on April 18, 2013 at 9:58 pm

    Oops, actually, I meant getting arrested for preaching the did Paul. Hmm, that might not be so far away. Something tells me that you will be faithful to Him no matter what the circumstances, Beth. : ) Bless You.