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Prayer Time

Prayer time clock

But as for me, my prayer is to you, O LORD. At an acceptable time, O God, in the abundance of your steadfast love answer me in your saving faithfulness.          Psalm 69:13

Candidates for president of our country who have shown a lack of integrity. 60 million dead babies in our nation. Evil militants with no regard for life. Public schooling that deliberately avoids truth. Pornography and divorce wreaking havoc in families. Attacks on God’s design for the family as the basis of our society. And, many more problems.

Some days I feel completely overwhelmed.

Then, I remember that God is sovereign and hears the prayers of His faithful people.

The Bible instructs us to pray for each other, our church leaders, political leaders, families, co-workers, and ourselves. Some are  given a desire to pray for a particular ministry or missionary and asked to pray for particular outcomes or circumstances for our friends. We pray for salvation of those in our families and spheres of influence who do not know the Lord and that we would have a passion to reach unnamed others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We’re also to pray against the enemies of God, once we’re sure they’re God’s enemies and not just ours.

Prayer Times

There are many times in the scriptures that we are commanded to pray. We’re to pray for our own forgiveness (Acts 8:22), for those who persecute us (Matthew 5:44), we’re to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and  to be thankful in prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:18). We’re to pray for strength not to sin (Mark 14:38), and for those who abuse us. We’re also to intercede for each other as brothers and sisters in Christ (James 5:16), but we’re not to pray for the praise of men or with too many words (Matthew 6:6-7).

That is a lot of prayer.

I sometimes wonder how I am supposed to have time to pray them all. It can seem like so much that we do nothing (and goodness knows we could never pray it all in one sitting!). Scripturally, not praying is not an option for Christians. And, to think I don’t have time is just not true, when I think of how I spend some of my time!  Someone has suggested that Facebook stands as a constant witness against all of its users that we do have time.

God’s Promises

One of God’s promises to His people is that He will hear our prayers. Jesus, in John 14:13 says, “Whatever you ask in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” He repeats this again in John 15:7, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. “

So, are we keeping God’s commands regarding prayer and doing what pleases Him? Are we taking time every day – or at least on a regular basis- to pray?

I have heard it said that prayer changes things. If God’s people will not pray, what will change?

Future of Christendom Website

I am honored to have my blog included on the Future of Christendom’s website. You can check them out for more great biblical content at Future of Christendom.