Put on Patience


Love is patient and kind.  1 Corinthians 13:4

I met some one new at the family event of a mutual friend. It was nice to get out and meet some new people but it was a little difficult to find the location. It was out in the country on rarely traveled roads. So, the common experience for us upon meeting was the adventure of finding the place!

Quickly, my new acquaintance who had arrived with her husband was telling us about their trip there. Her husband drove and started in the wrong direction from their home. “WHERE are you going?” she asked him imitating the attitude in her tone of voice for us as she told the story. He asked, “well, how would you go?” (without attitude). She, with attitude, “not like this!”

The rest of the story was that she gave directions that he followed and they arrived, not just on time but ahead of the rest of us.

Now, I am not bothered that the wife told the husband how to get someplace. She knew how to get there. He thought he did and possibly he did – but would have taken another route. She didn’t ask where he was going expecting a real conversation. There was judgment in the question that clearly said to her husband, “wrong again!”

Why is it that we are most impatient with our family members and especially our spouses? If love is patient and kind as the Bible clearly tells us, why don’t we show patience and kindness to those we love? Patience is the first thing Paul mentions when he starts to define love in 1 Corinthians 13:4. It’s listed as a fruit of the spirit in Galatians 5. In Ephesians 4 Paul tells us to live our lives with patience.

Impatience is sin. Ouch! Isn’t everyone impatient sometimes? It’s a sin that we pretend is not a sin or at least not a sin for us (only those who are impatient with us!). This sin needs to be confessed and turned from like any other.

Today, let’s pay attention to the way we treat our husbands, wives, parents, in-laws, and even our children or our co-workers. Are we impatient with those that we say we love and respect? In Colossians 3:12 Paul tells us to “put on” patience. It’s an effort, we need to make a conscious decision to be patient.

Where would you and I be if the Lord would not have been patient with us?


  1. Monica on September 17, 2011 at 10:02 am

    The Lord knows I need to be patient! Especially with my kids. I find myself being condescending sometimes. I realize I wouldn’t talk to other people’s kids like that! But in reality, my kids aren’t really my kids! They are God’s children! I’m just the long term babysitter!!! I’m basically talking to God’s child like that!!! Take it further…when I am that way with my husband and other family and friends, I am doing the same thing!!! Lord, help keep this present in my mind!!! And ms. Beth…you thru the spirit rocked it again!!! 🙂

    • admin on September 18, 2011 at 7:17 pm

      I will be praying for patience for you with those precious Gifts God has given to you!

  2. Nancy on September 19, 2011 at 5:34 pm

    Ouch indeed! It has been said that we should never pray for patience, for the Lord will surely provide occasions to help us develop it…but that we should instead pray for love, forbearance and kindness…which are in short supply in the throes of impatience. What thinkest thou? Just thought I’d ask..

  3. admin on September 19, 2011 at 5:50 pm

    I think those are prayers that could produce a ton of fruit! Love, forbearance, and kindness. Okay, you are the English expert, isn’t forbearance a synonym for patience?