All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16
I do not know anyone who does not think that we should be sending aid to Haiti after Hurricane Matthew (though I am sure there are some) or doing anything we can to stop human trafficking of young girls (and older ones).
Most of the people I talk to seem to have a basic understanding of the need to extend grace and mercy to everyone, as we are all sinners. Extending forgiveness is a necessary grace if we are to get along in this world.
Those same people have basic disagreements about whether or not abortion is murder. They are miles apart on whether or not marriage can be “legal” for homosexual couples.
Right now, there is not just disagreement over Hillary or Trump, but among many, whether or not we should be voting for a third candidate. Some say that because there are no godly men running for office, we Christians shouldn’t even go to the polls.
Each one seems to stand firmly in their own thinking, unwilling to be moved. Not all can explain some of their stances except that they are protecting people’s “rights” or feelings. Others confidently say they are using God’s Word as their guide.
In fact, I see this as the major difference between my friends; how they view God and His Word. Those who understand the Bible as God’s Word, appeal to His Higher Authority (Matthew 28:18), and, as Creator (Isaiah 40:28), His right to decide what will be right and good for us (Deuteronomy 30:15; Hebrews 5:14).
Those who do not look to God’s Word for their understanding of the world and all that is in it, appeal to their own intellect or feelings to direct their thinking. Initially, they may appear more kind and compassionate because they seem to be considering others more important. But, when we recognize God as the final judge (1 Peter 4:5) of all our works, are we leading someone to spend their eternity in Hell because we don’t want to hurt their feelings here?
The person who stands on the Word of God points to the God who offers salvation from sin and Hell. We can offer the hope of God’s love, His purpose, and eternity with Him. If we speak the Truth of God’s Word now, those who have not known they are in sin, or who do not understand the consequences they face, have an opportunity to rest in peace and joy. Regardless of what they say, they are not resting in peace and joy while they are in sin.
I believe our nation is suffering because we have turned hard away from God and His Law/Word. Individuals have been led astray (as I was for a number of years before God changed my heart) on the issues of abortion and homosexuality. Many of our Pastors are not preaching the truth from their pulpits and so they are causing “little ones to stumble” (Matthew 18:6).
The questions we have to ask ourselves are:
- What’s right?
- What’s wrong?
- Says who?
I like this one, Beth,
Thanks Tammy!