Scheduling Priorities


Yesterday I was at a church-sponsored picnic. Lots of discussions centered around the coming weeks and what was already started and what was coming. In general, people are dreading a new school year, especially if you have multiple children in multiple activities plus church and community commitments.

A new school year means new teachers if the children are in public school or Christian school; new subjects and new responsibilities for all if it’s homeschool. New sports teams, new music instruction, and old community groups start meeting. Church responsibilities increase again and even a lot of work environments take on the more serious winter attitude. Even our cooking seems to get more serious and time-consuming as we put the grill away and start to heat up the kitchen again.

None of these things are bad it’s just that they all hit at once in the fall and some of us tend to overdo in one area or another.

It often seems though, that when we add things into our schedules in the fall something has to go. Summer usually means we get to read more. We exercise more regularly because it’s so nice outside. I sit on the porch and visit with anyone who will come have a seat with me. And, I spend more time in my Bible and with the Lord because I can.

I’m in the time of life when I no longer have that hectic autumn schedule that creates chaos in the household. Things gear up but not to the degree they did when my children were home and involved in a lot of extra-curricular activities. Sometimes we needed to be two or three places at once.

How about you? Was summer a little more relaxed? Did you get to spend more time reading, sunning, walking, and even spending time with the Lord? What have you given up to accommodate the autumn overload?

Why is it that when the schedule goes nuts – and we’re coming right along with it – we give up the very things that feed us and keep us on track with the Lord? Time with Him every day will be what keeps us peaceful and joyful in spite of the schedule. Worse, what example are we setting for the next generation about what’s important?

How do we set our priorities– even for the kids? Do they NEED to be in so many activities that family life is totally disrupted? Do we have to take on every job we’re asked to do by school, church, and community groups? One basic rule for the Christian should be that if we’re too busy to pray and worship, even if that busy is in ministry, then we are too busy. Will you ask God to lead you to the work He has for you to do?

With all of the choices that families have for activities for their kids and responsibilities for the parents how can we find peace, joy, strength, and love so the family can keep the faith while keeping this hectic schedule?

Stay in the Word to stay close to the One who gave it to us. His Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path.

“that according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith–that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may have strength to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God. (Ephesians 3:16-19)


In all of the groups we join, athletic events we attend, and meetings we participate in God calls us to be lights to the world. That light shines by letting others see the joy, peace, strength, and love that we have in Christ. Every light requires a source of energy. For our spiritual lights to shine all winter in every venue the Word of God is what can keep our batteries charged and the love of Christ shining from behind a schedule that longs for Christmas vacation!