

I am pretty upset with some people right now. My gut instinct today is to talk to anyone who will listen. You see, I like to know what other people think (or as my husband suggested with a smile, that I want others to know what I think). I want to make sure I’m justified in my indignation. It helps me to get the opinion of others – or does it?

This morning I heard a definite, “Shhhhh” from the Lord. It wasn’t audible but I am certain it was from Him. My deduction from this is that He wants me to first listen to what He has to say. I need to talk to Him, to ask Him for clear direction in this matter and then let Him direct my path.

One of the things that I believe and I teach is always go to the Lord first. I believe that God would have us seek wise counsel (Proverbs 15:22) and even confront those who we believe have wronged us (Matthew 18:15) But, He also tells us to seek Him and His kingdom first and to pray without ceasing. He wants to be our first line of defense, for our own good.


Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” When I just want to talk on and on about an issue I am in trouble. This may not be physical trouble but it is most certainly spiritual trouble. I need to take refuge in God before I make matters worse by starting a rumor or bashing someone when I don’t have all the facts.

Today I am turning to God as my very present help. He knows all the details of the situation that has me all worked up. He is the One who has permitted this to happen and so, He needs to be the first to advise me about how to proceed. Perhaps He will show me something in His word or He will send just the right person and I will receive His permission to speak again. I don’t know how He will help me but He has been so faithful to me in the past that I know He will help me.

In the heat of Job’s trials he asked, “Shall we receive good from God and not trouble?” The good that I have received from God is way beyond what I have deserved. If He has some trouble for me to go through then I will seek His purpose, His direction, and His timing to talk about it. He has warned me that there will be times to keep silent and times to speak (Ecclesiastes 3:7). For today, I need to be quiet and listen to what He has to say about the situation.

I will continue to ask Him to show me when I may speak. For now I will pray that the words of my mouth and meditations of my heart will be pleasing to HIM.

My comfort comes from His word, specifically Psalm 32:8 where God said to David, “I will instruct you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you.” Surely, His grace is sufficient for my needs in this situation.

Will you, like me, try to seek God’s counsel before seeking the counsel of men? His ways are always right.

I wish I could promise you that I would give you an update and fill in the details when it’s over but I don’t know if that “Shhhh” sign will ever be lifted. Obedience brings blessing, maybe the blessing will be that you will not have to hear me rant!

Sorry to leave you hanging like that.



  1. Kathy on October 13, 2009 at 8:27 am

    The tendency for people is to want to gossip – to get people “on their side”. Learning to be quiet and talk to the Lord is a discipline because society encourages us to do otherwise.
    I only seek counsel from other spiritual mature Christians when I know I have an area of weakness for which I need prayers and encouragement.
    Some people are still drinking milk while others are feasting on meat. I’m thankful to have spiritually mature people to pray with me.