Someone Gets It!



“God Bless America!!” I saw this everywhere on social media and on some Christian sites as we went through the celebrations of our nation’s Independence Day.

Why on earth would any God fearing Christian think that God should bless our sinful, unrepentant nation at this point in history? Right now it seems that we are mimicking the Israelites of the days of the Judges when “everyone did what was right in his own eyes” (Judges 21:25). From killing our babies to refusing to listen to God about anything, we can see ourselves in their lives. Like them, many are making decisions based on how we think other men will treat us for them.

God showed great mercy and grace to the Israelites, just as he has for us. Yet, like them, we refuse to listen to Him (Jeremiah 26:4-6, 44:4-6; Ezekiel 3:7). He has graciously left us His Word that we might not sin against Him (Psalm 119:11), but we do.

We have thrown His Word out of the public sphere, as if God’s authority does not reach that far. Nothing could be further from the truth. God rules over all. All that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Him, not us (1 Chronicles 29: 11).

Because some do not believe this does not mean it’s not so. Every person, regardless of status according to man, will one day stand face to face with God and be judged based on faith in the One True God. (Not Buddha, not Allah, not any of the hundreds of gods that are worshipped as idols in the lives of many around the world). Only in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ will we all be judged.

Those whose faith is in Him will have their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life (Revelation 3:5). Those who do not have their names in the Book of Life are destined for eternal damnation according to Revelation 20:15.

Our thinking about our God needs to be changed. One family from somewhere around Lititz, Pa gets it. On July 3rd I saw a sign in their yard that read, “AMERICA, BLESS GOD!”

So many people have taught us that God gives “unconditional love” that too many believe it. As one woman put it to me, “as long as I have more good to get me to heaven than bad to take me to Hell, I’m good.”  Millions believe this.  Those millions are in jeopardy of eternal torment.

God’s favor on us in salvation is not about us or our good works. It is about faith in Jesus Christ which must be demonstrated by obedience to His commands and evidenced by the fruits of the Spirit. Obedience brings blessings and disobedience brings curses (Deuteronomy 28).

Generally, God is blessed in our worship of Him, in our obedience to Him and in the way we show love for our neighbors.

Christian American, please bless God by obeying His commandments. Bless Him by having no other gods before Him and by loving your neighbor who needs to hear the truth.

Worship Him in freedom and do not succumb to a political “order” that says we can all go to Walmart but not to church.

When we bless God then He will bless us. This is true for us and true for our nation. We have work to do so more people will “get it.”