

Following is a list of those topics I have studied and spoken on in the past. However, if there is a particular passage or topic you would like me to speak on, please ask. If time allows I would be happy to do the research and study necessary to prepare a lecture or retreat to address the issues you and your ladies may be facing or wish to study.


Beauty From Ashes

This is a four session retreat addressing the needs of those women who are suffering from past pain or sin (theirs or others’). Each session has questions prepared conducive to a small group discussion. The teaching is planned to encourage, convict, and build-up wounded women through teaching and the support offered in the small groups. It offers powerful biblical truth about healing that speaks to the suffering, the fearful, or in the woman in pain from her past.


  1. The Balm of Gilead (using various verses from Jeremiah)
  2. From Fear to Faith (Habakkuk)
  3. The Power and Purpose of Pain (From the life of Joseph in Genesis)
  4. Beauty from Ashes (Isaiah 61:1-4)


Kingdom Living

This is a three or four session retreat that can be done in both one day (3 sessions) or over a weekend.


  1. Kingdom Living 101 – Matthew 5:3-12
  2. The Kingdom View – Colossians 3:1-3
  3. Thy Kingdom Come – Psalm 145
  4. The Glorious Increase – Isaiah 9:1-7


The Vine Life

A four or five session retreat that addresses abiding in Christ, life in the Vine.


  1. The Roots and Rewards of Righteousness (Romans 4:1-8, various Psalms and Proverbs regarding the rewards of righteousness.)
  2. The Fruits of Righteousness (Galatians 5:13 – 26)
  3. Cultivating the Fruits of Righteousness (Colossians 3:1 – 17)
  4. The Effects of Righteousness (Isaiah 32:9 – 20)
  5. Abiding in Christ: Devotional to be done individually (optional)


Intentional Influence: Teaching the Biblical Concepts of Mentoring and Friendship

Older women have a clear, scriptural call to teach and train the younger women. The commands to love, serve, admonish, and encourage one another seem to be getting lost in a world of texting and social media. This retreat addresses what the Bible has to say about relationships that are “one to one” discipleship, mentoring more informally, and also Christian friendships .  3 – 4 sessions.


  1. The Mentoring Mandate
  2. S.E.A.L.ing the Relationship
  3. Putting It Into Practice
  4. Faithful Friends


Hearts of Humility

This is a five session retreat based on how the book of 1 Samuel addresses the issues of pride and humility. Each session is based on a comparison of pride and humility demonstrated by the people God introduces us to in this book. The five sessions are:

  1. Blessed Humility: Hannah and Penninah (1 Samuel 1 and 2)
  2. Faithful Humility: Samuel and Eli (1 Samuel 2 – 7)
  3. Essential Humility: Jonathan and Saul (1 Samuel 10 – 23)
  4. Exalted Humility: David and Saul (1 Samuel 17 – 21, Psalm 34, 56)
  5. Pride and Humility Devotional (time for each participant to be alone with a study guide, the Lord, and His Word)


Love That’s Better Than Life

This five session retreat is designed to lead us to better understand how God loves us and how we are to show our love for Him.

  1. The Love of God – It’s All About Him (1 John 4:8 and various other verses)
  2. The Love of God Devotional  – designed so each participant can be alone for a time with a study guide, the Lord, and His Word.
  3. To Know Him is to Love Him (Practical teaching on methods of Bible study for individual use)
  4. What a Loving God Expects from His People (Many verses relating to God’s commands about how we are to love Him.)
  5. Living in Love that’s Better Than Life (Psalm 63:1-8)

One Session Topics:

Christmas Talks

Christmas Light – John 1:15, 9-14

Who and How to Celebrate – Luke 2:8-20 and Matthew 1:18-2:4

Him We Proclaim at Christmas – Colossians 1:15-20


Encouraging Words and Ways

We need encouragement we do not always get. Others need encouragement we do not always give. This is a practical talk about where to find it and how to give it.


Intentional Friendships

This talk investigates the many Biblical ways we can, through friendships and mentoring, positively influence others for their  spiritual growth and our own.  It is designed to get women thinking about their relationships within the church as well as how they influence those outside the church in a world more attached to social media than they are their Bibles. (Titus 2:3-5)


Mentoring for the Next Generation – various verses

This talk concentrates Colossians 3:1-15

This verse by verse teaching addresses Paul’s words instructing us to “take off” sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry and “put on” compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.

on how mentoring is meant to pass the faith from one generation to the next and so we all have a responsibility to answer the call to mentor. We will not all do it the same way. (Titus 2:3-5)


Cultivating an Undivided Heart

A study of what it looks like to have an undivided heart based on Biblical examples of people who did and who did not follow God wholeheartedly. (Colossians 3:1 – 17)


Christ’s Love Compels Us

A verse by verse teaching on 2 Corinthians 5:10-21


Cultivating a Holy Heart or A Pattern for Holiness


12 Topical Studies

Including lectures on:

Pride and Humility

Heaven and Hell

Know Your Enemy (Satan and Evil)


The New Life in Christ

The Joy of the Lord

Count it All Joy (suffering)

Waiting on the Lord

Resting in the Lord

Listening to God

Admonish, Serve, Encourage

Love One Another

Listen to Beth Speak

Beth Speaking

Quilt of Holiness

Future of Christendom Website

I am honored to have my blog included on the Future of Christendom’s website. You can check them out for more great biblical content at Future of Christendom.