The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. Psalm 16:6
I’ve been a little whiny lately. Without my sister (who has gone to be with the Lord) Christmas wasn’t as much fun as it has been in the past. I got that nasty stomach virus, as did my husband, and my daughter, and both grandchildren, and my son-in-law. I feel unhealthy because of all the junk I have eaten. 2 degrees is too cold. My car doesn’t like to start in this weather, and my body is either sweating to death or freezing all the time.
Mind you, I got to spend Christmas and New Year’s Day with those I am closest to. I have never missed a meal because of famine or finances. My house has heat. No one in my house died from the flu. We pay our bills every month. And, I am blessed with a devoted husband.
Psalm 16:6 (above) is a verse I haven’t noticed much even though I have read it many times. Then, at an evening meal, and several time since then, my husband started to pray it to the Lord, thanking Him for drawing the lines in pleasant places for us. I know it’s true, and we do have a beautiful inheritance through our faith in the Lord Jesus.
So, why do I complain about these inconsequential things? If I know that the Lord has drawn the lines for me in pleasant places, why do I whine so? The answer, of course, is sin. When my comfort is shattered (or even slightly impinged), when I don’t seem to be getting my way, I get grumpy – not always – but enough that I know it’s a problem, a spiritual problem.
I am privileged, because of my writing and speaking, to be in the Word of God every day. I spend a lot of time contemplating the lessons of scripture so I can teach them. My nose is frequently in God’s Word or a book about it. And still, I forget and whine about meaningless things.
The truth about God’s Word is in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, “ All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” Obviously, then, there is great benefit in knowing, studying, and practicing what God’s word tells us to do. But, it is not a magic pill that once we get into it we will suddenly become perfect Christians.We can read the Word and be real hypocrites.
I thought the easy answer to my whining was to get into the Word, maybe deeper this time. But knowing the Word is different from applying the Word. Knowing it is a start; living it is the finish.
Note: This post was written four years ago but I find myself needing the same reminder this year – before I get lost in my complaints. I am posting because I think it is part of the human condition to love our comfort, to wallow in what is wrong, even when we know that living by the Word of God is what will make things right.