• It’s Not OK



    “If you give them an inch, they’ll take a mile.” This is one of those truisms that we rarely hear any more. Today it came to mind as I was watching the new little video (4 minutes) called “It’s OK” put out by “Choice 42.” Please watch it here if you haven’t already: https://www.choice42.com/its-ok .

    One of the things said in the video is “Maybe you didn’t know” when talking about the vaccines that have aborted cell lines in them. The first one was developed in 1962. At the time, how many of us were paying attention to vaccines? The medical industry was trusted to do what was right and good.

    From this cell line, having been given the inch, the pharmaceutical industry took full advantage of Christians turning their heads and created more drugs or vaccines using abortion cell lines, as they have continued to do up to and including the covid vaccine.

    Well now, they have gotten that mile well established and they are taking the next one; harvesting the organs of aborted (a.k.a., murdered) babies in the womb and are selling them for a profit. They do this as they (Planned Parenthood) take government subsidies paid by our tax dollars.

    The heartless, cruel, and greedy nature of what is happening is epitomized by the fact they do this harvesting of organs without anesthesia. Babies in the womb can feel. The fear of pointing this is out is that someone may interpret that to say that if they used anesthesia then it would be an acceptable procedure. No, it is not OK under any circumstances.

    There are many scriptures we can apply to this situation as it is playing out. One is that the Lord says the one responsible for taking the life of a baby in the womb  should also lose his life. (Exodus 21:22-23).  Life for life.

    Another is Proverbs 15:27a,  He who is greedy for gain troubles his own house.

    The only possible motivation imaginable for someone to work in the abortion industry is money, personal gain. They will bring trouble to their own house…even if the public never sees it.

    It also appears that the Lord will also judge nations for such wickedness. Do these verses not sound like those who are killing children or receiving their body parts for financial gain?  Jeremiah 5:28-28, They have grown fat, they are sleek; Yes, they surpass the deeds of the wicked; They do not plead the cause, The cause of the fatherless; Yet they prosper, And the right of the needy they do not defend. Shall I not punish them for these things?’ says the LORD. ‘Shall I not avenge Myself on such a nation as this?

    Do we not tremble because we do not know the Word of God or because we do not know the character of God? He will do what He says.

    The wound will be deep for the mother who has murder in her heart for her own child. Sadly, as Christians, we have been so busy telling people that God loves them no matter what, that they do not fear Him or His Word that is so clear about His judgment for the taking of innocent lives.

    Abortion is not ok.  Using fetal cell lines (invariably from abortions) to make vaccines is clearly not ok. But, neither is sitting quietly by and saying nothing as it happens  to babies whose mothers are sitting in the pews with us.

    Maybe they didn’t know? I doubt it but we ought to be talking about it so no one may make that claim.

    Is there a fear of the LORD left in us? Have we been so misled by the “God is love” teaching (as though love means He will never correct us) that we have lost our ability to tremble at His Word, to fear His judgment?