• Receiving is Giving


    In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:35


    You know those friends that you rarely see but when you do, it is like you saw them yesterday?  I had dinner with one of those recently. We met in the middle so she could give me feedback after reading a manuscript I have been working on.

    The Blessing

    We started talking about friendships.  She pointed out that a part of friendship rarely discussed is the importance of being able to “receive” From our friends when we are in need. I was reminded of Acts 20:35 where Paul quotes Jesus as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

    We all know that it is a blessing to receive, too, right? Many of us love to get gifts and compliments, encouragement, or praise.

    When Receiving is Giving

    What about receiving when we are in difficult circumstances? Often, when someone we are close to is in a hard place, the only thing we can do is pray and give practical helps; meals, cleaning, yard work, or childcare, etc.

    What I realized today was that my friend offered to help me with my manuscript at an event we both attended at the end of April. I agonized over allowing her to help me until July. In less than two weeks she had read it and we met for dinner so she could tell me what she thought. She gave me clear feedback that has really helped me define what I had been agonizing over since January.

    My own pride and independence slowed the process.

    Failing to receive from friends is … well it’s a failure, maybe rooted in pride.

    It is more blessed to give than to receive. That does not mean there is not a blessing in receiving. When we receive, we are humbling ourselves to admit our need and allowing her/him to receive a blessing because of her/his giving.

    The True Giver

    Sometimes our needs can only be filled by God Himself. Sometimes, though, He will send someone to give us what we need. John 3:27 says, John answered, “A person cannot receive even one thing unless it is given him from heaven.” Whatever a friend may offer, that gift is from God.

    Are you a giver and a receiver? Or, do you give willingly, but deny those close to you the blessing of being the giver?