He covers the heavens with clouds; he prepares rain for the earth; he makes grass grow on the hills. Psalm 147:8
Today is day three (or four) of high heat here in Pennsylvania. We are not used to it, even in the summer. Between the political conventions and the temperatures, I am hearing a lot of whining!
Generally, no one outright maligns God’s name because of the weather, but there is a lot of complaining about how uncomfortable it is to walk or garden or do anything that needs to be done outside.
The negative response has gotten me to think about what the Christian response should be to hot weather…or cold weather, or tornadoes, hurricanes, or tidal waves (or political conventions). Doesn’t the scripture teach us that none of these things are out of the scope of God’s plan (Job 37:3, 10-13; Psalm 147:16-18; Jeremiah 10:13; Amos 4:7; Proverbs 21:1)?
Human behavior and reasoning can be hard to explain. When the sun is out and the skies are blue, we praise God for the gorgeous day. If the gorgeous day lands on our wedding day, or a day we had hoped to get a lot of outdoor work done, we are even more enthusiastic in our praises. But, when God sends bad weather on our special days or plans, we say things like “old Mother nature” is playing her tricks or we blame bad luck or see it as some kind of omen.
April 26, 1980 was a dreary day in the morning and a rainstorm all afternoon. I was married in the middle of that. Our outdoor reception was moved indoors. Several people told me that day that I would cry as many tears in my marriage as raindrops fell on my wedding day. Ahhh, encouraging words for a new bride! (Just for the record, 36 years later I am still a happy bride to a wonderful husband!)
God does sometimes use weather to get people’s attention. From the scripture, we can see that the all-powerful, sovereign God of the universe, has control over whether or not we can grow crops because He sends or withholds rain. (Amos 4:7) When we complain about that, we are complaining against God. Complaining against God is sin.
Some more scientific types might argue that there are physical laws of the universe that control when the major storms and earthquakes, tornadoes or hurricanes, might hit us. No argument from me. However, what I know about those physical laws is that God put them in place and uses them to operate according to His sovereign will. He causes the sun to shine. He sends the rain (see verses).
Perhaps instead of complaining we should be considering the sovereignty of God and looking for what He is doing…. in the weather, in politics, and in our own day-to-day lives.
Political conventions and hot weather make for some steamy days and conversations. In those conversations, are we praising God or complaining about Him?