You rule the raging of the sea; when its waves rise, you still them. Psalm 89:9
I heard it in her voice: she was anxious about something.
“You OK?”
Her response was full of concern (ok, maybe a little anxiety) about a talk she had to give to a “religious” group. This woman loves the Lord and wants to speak what He gives her to speak but also wants to keep her job.
As we talked I could hear that her frustration was partly with herself. She has an outline in her head and some major principles she wants to teach written down. The rest is not coming because of her fear.
This is a woman who is no stranger to public speaking, especially about her faith. She is going to be speaking to people over whom she has authority in the workplace. She is eager to please God, see some come to faith, and to encourage others to think about who the Lord is and what He has done for them.
As we talked she was reminded of all the times that God had been faithful to provide exactly what she needed even before she needed it. She said, “He has NEVER let me down, never.”
I heard the change in her tone of voice. The anxious thoughts had become peaceful thoughts of God’s faithfulness. There was confidence from her trust in Him. She was able to switch subjects, no longer fearful of how this was going to get done. God would do it with her.
When the conversation started, she had what seemed like an impossible project to complete. By the time the conversation was over, the Lord had reminded her that nothing is impossible with Him.
Do you have what seems like an impossible assignment facing you? Are the thoughts raging in your head about how it will get accomplished, or what words will make a change, or how a relationship will be restored?
God speaks through His Word. He will still the raging sea (Psalm 89:9) and lead us beside still waters (Psalm 23:2). With God, all things are possible (Mark 10:27).
In these anxious moments, when we are reminded (or consciously remind ourselves) that God is faithful, there will be a change in our tone and in our ability to do all that He has given us to do. Then, we can just go get something done.