• Repent and Believe

    For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,  not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9



    A small church in a mid-sized city just reported that during their Vacation Bible School last week 52 children and 3 teens “came to know the Lord.” Those are impressive numbers. Even if only one child had come to true and saving faith in the Lord Jesus Christ the angels in heaven would be rejoicing!  Jesus actually states this truth in Luke 15:10, “Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”


    I am sure there was great human rejoicing over these professions of faith. It is really nice when we can feel like our hard work of putting together a big week shows some fruit. But, God’s word tells us that man looks on the outside, we hear the words they speak – but God sees the heart. Do we really know, based on words spoken during a fun filled week, if a child has really been saved by faith in Jesus Christ?  We’ll only know by their fruit.


    In the book of John Jesus says that it is the fruit we produce after we know Christ that shows if we are real believers. He said, “By this my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.” (John 15:8)  Even more difficult for many people to understand and believe is that Jesus says that if we love Him we will obey His commands. This gets debated because no man is capable of being sinless, only Jesus ever lived that life. But, we know that through the power of the Holy Spirit we can overcome sin’s hold on us, we no longer have to be enslaved by sin. But, many Christians are living lives still consumed by their sin.


    It’s concerning that these “accept Jesus as your Savior” decisions often leave off the part about repenting of sin. We tell them in our presentations that “Christ died to pay the penalty for our sin because of His love for us.” This is the gospel truth.  However, we have to admit that we are sinners in order to receive salvation. If we are not sinners then Christ died for nothing. The Bible says that every person is a sinner, “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23.


    My sensitivity to this concern relates to a Christian radio interview I heard about.  A nationally known Bible teacher was asked what she would say to the many people sitting in our evangelical churches on Sunday mornings who say that they feel far from God.  They read their Bibles and go to Bible studies but they do not hear from God or feel as though He is guiding their lives. Her answer, to the surprise of her interviewer, was that sadly, there are many unsaved people sitting in our pews on Sunday morning. They cannot hear from God because they are not His children. I think she is right.


    Many people have made a profession of faith by responding to an altar call. They have been escorted to the front by a friend who brought them, praying they would be saved, and they don’t want to disappoint their friend. One young woman told me she had responded to an altar call when she was seven years old because she wanted the Bible they were offering. She had not repented of sin. She let someone pray for her, took the Bible, called herself a Christian like the rest of her family, and stayed in the church.


    Throughout history God has responded to his people when they repented and turned from their sin and back to him. The Israelites went through cycles of sin, repentance, God’s deliverance, and then sin, repentance, and God’s deliverance for years. God’s standards for deliverance have not changed. He requires a repentant people, individually as well as corporately, if we are to see Him act on our behalf. Isaiah 59:2 tells us sin separates us from God. It keeps Him from hearing our prayers.


    Professing Christian, if you are one who consistently feels far from God, if you pray and do not feel as if your prayers are answered, if you read God’s Word and do not understand what He is saying, or if you pray and see no response, please ask God to show you your sin. He sees our hearts. If the prayer is sincere He will recognize it and reveal sin (not all at once which I believe is a display of His grace!). Then, repent, not just confess, but turn from that sin, head in a different direction, and believe that Jesus has suffered the punishment already, it is finished once we repent as far as God is concerned.


    Then, after the repentance, Jesus says that we will receive the promised Holy Spirit. Then we can produce fruit for Him. We will not just be able to obey his commands, but through the power of the Holy Spirit, we will want to. With obedience comes blessings: peace, joy, love, faith, and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We should no longer feel far from God.


    I am sure that the angels were rejoicing in heaven for a few of those children that made a profession of faith by responding to an invitation to salvation in their Vacation Bible School. But, for those who are professing faith but not possessing it, it is never too late. The Bible calls us to repent and believe. “Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:10. The verse is clear that the rejoicing is over the repentant sinner.


    Repent and turn from all your transgressions, lest iniquity be your ruin. Ezekiel 18:30b Then, let the rejoicing begin!