How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. Psalm 119:9
When I was a Juvenile Probation Officer (pre-children) juvenile delinquents were a normal part of my world. I worked 40 hours a week with a caseload of over 100 children who had been through the juvenile justice system. They came from all socio-economic strata.
One day I observed as a 15 year old boy sat in court before a judge very disrespectfully. He came into court in blue jeans and t-shirt. He slouched in his chair like he was completely relaxed. He responded to questions with one word answers or grunts. He made no eye contact. In general, even as he was given his sentence from the judge, he acted like this was just no big deal.
That night I was telling my husband about it. I said, “If I ever had a kid who acted like that in court…” He stopped me right there. He said, “Beth, if I ever had a kid in court!”
In 2012 the juvenile arrest rate for kids from 10 – 17 was less than 4%. 96% of parents will not have to deal with their children being arrested. Because it was a part of my daily world, I must have assumed I would! It was my “normal.” (
As Christians when we spend our days in the world, as we should (1 Corinthians 5:9-10), we are at risk of being influenced by it. Just as my husband was the voice of reason for me, we need a voice of reason so we keep clear in our minds what is of the Lord and what is of the world.
Think about all the ways God, in His grace, has offered us His Voice of reason. He left us His Word in the Bible. He calls us to fellowship with like-minded Christians, to build each other up (1 Thessalonians 5:11), and to teach one another (Titus 2:1). He has called preachers and teachers who offer us opportunities to hear His word taught. And there are so many ways to read, study, and hear God’s word on the internet that we are truly without excuse for learning it.
What is your normal? Is it only what the world around you offers, or have you supplemented your thoughts with sound doctrine so you will not be swayed by whatever is normal in your world?
God’s Word, His law, and His Holy Spirit will lead us to His normal, the place of greatest blessing.